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Small but sustainable? Scholar-led journals and open access (conference poster)

Author: Wrzesinski, M., Dubois, F., Katzenbach, C., Waidlein, N., & Tochtermann, K.
Published in:
Year: 2020
Type: Other publications
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4061303

The "InnOAccess" project takes the precarious situation of scholar-led journals and the need for a bibliodiverse OA ecosystem as a starting point and aims at practically improving their situation. The state of play of scholar-led, non-APC journals are examined in a national online survey and systematic evaluation of existing financing models for Open Access publishing. The team used the results to test technological improvements and financial models on use case Internet Policy Review. The project results are available for reuse by the community.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Marcel Wrzesinski, Dr.

ELADOAH | Open Access Referent

Christian Katzenbach, Prof. Dr.

Forschungsprojektleiter und assoziierter Forscher: Die Entwicklung der digitalen Gesellschaft

Frédéric Dubois

Chefredakteur: Internet Policy Review, Projektleitung: ELADOAH

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