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Innovation Hubs in Africa: Assemblers of Technology Entrepreneurs

Author: Friederici, N.
Published in: M. Tynnhammar (Ed.), New Waves in Innovation Management Research (ISPIM Insights) (pp. 435-454). Delaware, USA: Vernon Press.
Year: 2018
Type: Book contributions and chapters

Launched in 2011 to recognize the prolific contribution that PhD dissertations make to the field of Innovation Management, the ISPIM Dissertation Award selects three winners from the possible 100+ entries every year. Aided in the selection process by the generous support of Innovation Leaders, the ISPIM presents the awards at their annual Innovation Conference. With only three finalists being selected each year, many excellent submissions do not receive the recognition they deserve. To rectify this, the 2018 ISPIM Dissertation Award cast its spotlight beyond the top three dissertations and onto a much greater number of entries. Compiling the top 28 submissions received this year, ‘New Waves in Innovation Management Research’ is organized into six thematic sections that cover areas such as investments, collaboration, and creativity. Presenting a broad range of case studies and data from across global, this edited volume illustrates the breadth of research potential in the coming wave of innovation management. This book will be of interest to students, researchers and professional managers, alike, who are interested in or actively involved in the latest research on innovation management.

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Nicolas Friederici, Dr.

Ehem. Assoziierter Forscher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

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