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Digital organising

Author: Bohn, S., Gümüşay, A. A., von Richthofen, G., & Reischauer, G.
Published in: Internet Policy Review – Concepts of the digital society, 12(4), 1-15
Year: 2023
Type: Academic articles

The digital is pervasive, forming and transforming the ways individual and collective actors organise. We posit digital organising as a key concept that enables researchers and practitioners alike to capture novel forms of organising. Digital organising refers to the collective purposeful alignment and distributed action fostered through digital technologies. We discuss its core processes, datafication and connectification, and how both amplify centralised and decentralised organising. Based on these conceptualisations, we discuss the paradoxical nature of digital organising and offer an outlook for future inquiries.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Prof. Dr.

Forschungsgruppenleiter und Assoziierter Forscher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

Stephan Bohn, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Projektleiter: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Georg von Richthofen, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Projektleiter: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

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