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Digital Entrepreneurship and Agile Methods—A Hackathon Case Study

Author: Richter N., Dragoeva D
Published in: M. Soltanifar, M. Hughes, & L. Göcke, Digital Entrepreneurship. Future of Business and Finance. Cham: Springer.
Year: 2021
Type: Book contributions and chapters

“What if, when they ask ‘Alexa, where can I do something here tonight?’, travellers no longer receive the answer ‘I don’t know’? And, could start-ups use all tourist data freely and without restriction to develop innovative applications for travellers at any time?” (“German National Tourist Board”, n.d.). These and similar questions are currently being asked by those responsible for tourism marketing and product development, such as destination management organisations (DMO: “Public or public–private entity whose aim is to foster, plan and coordinate the tourism development of a destination as a whole”.) (“IGI Global”, n.d.) in Germany.

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Nancy Richter, Dr.

Ehem. Assoziierte Forscherin: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

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