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Computer Security. ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, CyberICPS, SECPRE, SPOSE, and ADIoT, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26–27, 2019 Revised Selected Papers

Author: Katsikas, S., Cuppens, F., Cuppens, N., Lambrinoudakis, C., Kalloniatis, C., Mylopoulos, J., Antón, A., Gritzalis, S., Pallas, F., Pohle, J., Sasse, A., Meng, W., Furnell, S., Garcia-Alfaro, J. (Eds.)
Published in: Springer
Year: 2020
Type: Edited works and special issues
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42048-2

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security of Industrial Control Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems, CyberICPS 2019, the Third International Workshop on Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, SECPRE 2019, the First International Workshop on Security, Privacy, Organizations, and Systems Engineering, SPOSE 2019, and the Second International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things, ADIoT 2019, held in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, in September 2019, in conjunction with the 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2019.

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