João Carlos Magalhães, Dr.
João Carlos Magalhães ist Senior Researcher am Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft und arbeitet in dem Forschungsprogramm “Evolving Digital Society”. Zuvor forschte und lehrte João Magalhães an der London School of Economics and Political Science, wo er im Bereich Neue Medien promovierte.
Ein Großteil seiner Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den politischen und moralischen Auswirkungen von algorithmischen Medien und Technologien. Am HIIG leitet er ein von der EU gefördertem Projekt, das die Governance-Strukturen von Social-Media-Plattformen abbildet, mit einem Fokus auf Urheberrechtspolitik und automatisierte Filter. Im Jahr 2020 erhielt er ein Stipendium der Wikimedia Foundation, um an der Erstellung einer offenen Datenbank mit den Richtlinien der Plattformen mitzuwirken. In seiner Dissertation, die durch ein LSE-Doktorandenstipendium finanziert wurde, argumentierte er, dass Facebooks KI-gesteuerter öffentlicher Raum eine Form von Bottom-up-Autoritarismus ermöglicht, in dem Bürger nur gehört werden können, indem sie sich selbst und andere zum Schweigen bringen – was ein Überdenken dessen erfordern könnte, was ein “ethischer Algorithmus” sein sollte. Im Jahr 2021 schloss er ein Projekt ab, in dem er untersuchte, wie die “AI for social good”-Initiativen von Big Tech den Datenkolonialismus erweitern.
Er untersuchte auch die Verwendung von Microtargeting durch politische Kampagnen, die Aneignung des Begriffs “Algorithmus” durch gewöhnliche Menschen, die Verbindungen zwischen Medien, Anerkennung und Ethik und wie die britische Presse Jeremy Corbyn (falsch) dargestellt hat. Bevor er Akademiker wurde, arbeitete João als Journalist in Brasilien, wo er einige der wichtigsten journalistischen Preise in Lateinamerika gewann.
Zeitschriftenartikel und Konferenzbeiträge
Magalhães, J. C., & Couldry, N. (2021). Giving by taking away: Big Tech, data colonialism and the reconfiguration of social good. International Journal of Communication, 15, 343-362. Weitere Informationen
Magalhães, J. C., Katzenbach, C. (2020). Coronavirus and the frailness of platform governance. Internet Policy Reiew. Weitere Informationen
Campanella, B., & Magalhães, J.C (2019). Media, recognition and constitution of subjectivity. Contracampo: Brazilian Journal of Communication, 38(2). DOI: 10.22409/contracampo.v38i2 Weitere Informationen
Magalhães, J. C. (2018). Do Algorithms Shape Character? Considering Algorithmic Ethical Subjectivation. Social Media + Society, 4(2), 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/2056305118768301 Weitere Informationen
Araújo, W., & Magalhães, J.C. (2018). Me, myself and “the algorithm”. How Twitter users employ the notion of “the algorithm” as a self-presentation frame. Compós, 1-25. Weitere Informationen
Cammaerts, B., DeCillia, B., & Magalhães, J. C. (2017). Journalistic transgressions in the representation of Jeremy Corbyn: From watchdog to attackdog. Journalism, 21(2), 191-208. DOI: 10.1177/1464884917734055 Weitere Informationen
Anstead, N., Magalhães, J.C., Stupart, R., & Tambini, D. (2019). Facebook advertising in the 2017 United Kingdom general election: The uses and limits of user-generated data. European Consortium of Political Research. Weitere Informationen
Andere Publikationen
Katzenbach, C., Magalhães, J. C., Kopps, A., Sühr, T., & Wunderlich, L. (2021). The Platform Governance Archive. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Weitere Informationen
Magalhães, J. C., Couldry, N. (2020). Tech Giants Are Using This Crisis to Colonize the Welfare System, [Jacobin]. Weitere Informationen
Tambini, D., Anstead, N., & Magalhães, J.C. (2017). The final days of Labour’s Facebook GE2017 campaign. LSE Blogs. Weitere Informationen
Tambini, D., Anstead, N., & Magalhães, J.C (2017). Is the Conservative Party deliberately distributing fake news in attack ads on Facebook? LSE Blogs. Weitere Informationen
Tambini, D., Anstead, N., & Magalhães, J.C. (2017). Labour’s advertising campaign on Facebook (or “don’t mention the war”). LSE Blogs. Weitere Informationen
Tambini, D., Anstead, N., & Magalhães, J.C. (2017). How the Liberal Democrats are using Facebook ads to court ‘remainers’. LSE Blogs. Weitere Informationen
Magalhães, J.C. (2016). Have the mass media fuelled Brazil’s turmoil? OXPOL Blog. Weitere Informationen
Complexification And Concentration In Platform Power: Changes In Copyright Content Moderation And Policies Across 10 Years And Fifteen PlatformsAnnual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) 2022. TU Dublin, Maynooth University, University College Dublin, Dublin City University. Grangegorman campus, TU Dublin, Dublin, Ireland: 03.11.2022 Weitere Informationen
João Carlos Magalhães, Christian Katzenbach, Adrian Kopps, Tom Sühr
Leibniz Media Lunch TalkVoice Through Silence: Algorithmic Visibility and Bottom-Up Authoritarianism in the Brazilian Crisis. Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI). Online, Hamburg, Germany: 04.05.2021 Weitere Informationen
João Carlos Magalhães
Researching AI and Content Moderation: Trends, Tools and MethodsOxford-UJ Global Media Policy Seminar Series. Freie Universität Berlin, Weizenbaum Institute, School of Communications at the University of Johannesburg, & Centre for Socio-Legal Studies’ Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) at the University of Oxford. Online, Oxford, England: 27.04.2021 Weitere Informationen
Christian Katzenbach, João Carlos Magalhães
Emerging Structures of Platform Governance and Copyright. Methods and Challenges in Studying Content PoliciesPublic and private regulatory framework of online intermediaries. University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary: 05.05.2020
João Carlos Magalhães, Christian Katzenbach
Voice as silencing: algorithmic visibility and the rise of ordinary authoritarianism in the Brazilian political crisisConference: DATA POWER: global in/securities. ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research. Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany: 12.09.2019
João Carlos Magalhães
Voice as silencing: algorithmic visibility and the rise of ordinary authoritarianism in the Brazilian political crisisIAMCR 2019: Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed rights, contested truths. Facultad de ciencias de la información. Universidad Compultense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain: 10.07.2019
João Carlos Magalhães
Voice as silencing: algorithmic visibility and the rise of ordinary authoritarianism in the Brazilian political crisisConference: Digital People, Digital Politics. Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts & Humanities. King's College London, London, United Kingdom: 17.05.2019
João Carlos Magalhães
Voice as silencing: algorithmic visibility, recognition costs and the erosion of civic voice in the Brazilian political crisisConference: A Horizon of (Im)possibilities: Reflecting on the Social Implications of Recent Political Upheaval in Brazil. School of Advanced Study, University of London. King's College London, London, United Kingdom: 22.02.2019
João Carlos Magalhães
Me, myself and ‘the algorithm’: How Twitter users employ the notion of “the algorithm" as a self-presentation frameAoIR 2018: Transnational Materialities. Association of Internet Researchers. Le Centre Sheraton Montréal Hotel, Montréal, Canada: 11.10.2018
João Carlos Magalhães
Facebook advertising in the 2017 United Kingdom General ElectionAPSA 2018: Democracy and Its Discontents. Hynes Convention Center, Boston Marriott Copley Place, and Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, United States: 30.08.2018
João Carlos Magalhães
Me, myself and ‘the algorithm’. How Twitter users employ the notion of “the algorithm” as a self-presentation frameEncontro Anual: Compós 2018. PUC Minas Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil: 08.06.2018
João Carlos Magalhães
The moral paradox of recognition on algorithmic social mediaICA 2018: Voices. International Communication Association. Hilton Prague, Prague, Czech Republic: 24.05.2018
João Carlos Magalhães
Facebook advertising the 2017 United Kingdom General Election: The uses and limits of user-generated dataWorkshop: Social media and data driven targeting in election campaigns. Department of Political Science, University of Perugia & Damian Tambini, London School of Economics. University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy: 16.02.2018
João Carlos Magalhães
My lovely useless Facebook bubble: Ambiguous perceptions of algorithm-driven political homophily and the emergence of a liminal political recognition in BrazilECREA Symposium: Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data. European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden: 11.11.2017
João Carlos Magalhães
My lovely useless Facebook bubble: Ambiguous perceptions of algorithm-driven political homophily and the emergence of a liminal political recognition in BrazilIAMCR 2017: New Discourses and New Territorialities: Cultural and political mutations and communication. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, School of Communications. Cartagena de Indias Convention Center, Cartagena, Colombia: 18.07.2017
João Carlos Magalhães
Algorithmic visibility: Elements of a new regime of visibilityConnected Life Conference 2017: Digital Inequalities. Oxford Internet Institute. University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom: 19.06.2017
João Carlos Magalhães
Algorithmic visibility: Elements of a new regime of visibilityECPR 2017: Joint Sessions of Workshops. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom: 26.04.2017
João Carlos Magalhães
The regime of ethics of big dataICA 2016 Preconference: Big Data Alternatives. International Communication Association (ICA). Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hilton Hotel, Fukuoka, Japan: 09.06.2016
João Carlos Magalhães
The regime of ethics of big dataPhD School: Big Data Ethics. IT University of Copenhagen. IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark: 23.05.2016
João Carlos Magalhães
Organisation von Veranstaltungen
The First Annual Conference of the Platform Governance Research NetworkFrom 24.03.2021 to 26.03.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) (International) Weitere Informationen
Robert Gorwa, João Carlos Magalhães, Clara Iglesias Keller, Amélie Heldt, Christian Katzenbach
No, the Internet Is Not Good Again (16.04.2020). The Atlantic
Weitere Informationen

Ehem. Senior Researcher: Die Entwicklung der digitalen Gesellschaft