Die Macht von Mustern – Lunch Talk mit Mareile Kaufmann
Am 20. Juni findet ein öffentlicher Brown-Bag Lunch in der Küche des Instituts statt. Mareile Kaufmann, Gastforscherin am HIIG, wird sich mit der Debatte über die Macht von Mustern beim ‘predictive policing’ auseinandersetzen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt, bei Interesse registrieren Sie sich bitte vorab über untenstehendes Anmeldeformular.
O P E N B R O W N – B A G L U N C H
Lunch talk with Mareile Kaufmann: The Politics of Patterns
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 · 1pm · HIIG Kitchen
Mareile Kaufmann wants to offer you a new angle on the debate about big data, small data and predictive analytics in the context of policing. Patterns are the epistemological core of predictive policing and their authority cannot be ignored. Based on empirical research on different software models, prediction algorithms and interviews with police officers and software programmers, however, Mareile wants to put the authority of patterns into perspective. She will describe how patterns come into being and identify the assumptions about crime they incorporate. The presentation is based on her own research and a paper co-authored by Simon Egbert (Universität Hamburg) and Matthias Leese (ETH Zürich). Mareile will also give you a broader introduction into her research interests on digital technologies in society.
Mareile’s work focuses on digital technologies and their dialogue with the many facets of society. Specifically, she is interested in understandings of crime in digitized societies, practices of surveillance and of avoiding surveillance (e.g. hacking, steganography), and representations of all of the above in art projects. Mareile teaches and works as a post doc at Oslo University (Faculty of Law, Criminology) and is a senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo.
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