Die Zukunft der Regulierung der Privatsphäre
Wie werden Privacy und Datenschutz in der Informationsgesellschaft ausgehandelt, welche zentralen Probleme werden die zukünftigen Debatten
prägen und welche Rolle spielen dabei Politik und Aktivist_innen?
Ein Gespräch zwischen Colin J. Bennett, University of Victoria, Canada und Renata Avila, Web We Want.
Unten finden Sie weitere Informationen auf englisch, wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 28. Juni.
Privacy is one of key topics in debates on information society, digitization, and its consequences. We would like to invite you to a debate focusing on the ways privacy in the digital age is governed, the key problems that will be shaping future debates and the role of activists and politics in it. Colin J. Bennett, Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria and an expert on privacy governance, and Renata Avila, Global manager of the Web We Want will provide their insights and we hope for a lively discussion with all those interested. The formal part will be followed
by the opportunity to further discuss, argue and network over some snacks and drinks.
Colin J. Bennett is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria. He has researched and published extensively about the politics of privacy, the governance of the issue in different states, as well as internationally, the increasing levels of surveillance in modern life, and about peoples’ attitudes towards these trends.
Renata Avila is a Guatemalan Human Rights and Intellectual Property Lawyer, and an advocate for freedom of expression, privacy, access to
information and indigenous rights. She is currently the Global Manager for the Web We Want initiative which aims to create a positive, human rights agenda for internet users.
The event is free, please register via the form below.
Diese exklusive Vorlesungsreihe entwickelt eine europäische Perspektive zu den aktuellen Transformationsprozessen innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft.
Einmal im Monat laden wir ausgewählte Gäste ein, um gemeinsam mit dem Publikum über die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Gesellschaft zu sprechen.
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