Startup Clinics Talks mit Gitta Blatt
Die Startup Clinics Talks (SCT) sind eine Reihe der HIIG Startup-Clinics. In den SCTs sprechen Experten aus den Bereichen HR, Management, Finanzen, Recht, Sales und Business Modeling und geben ihre Erfahrungen an Gründer und die Berliner Startup Szene weiter. Die englische Einladung zum nächsten SCT sehen Sie im folgenden.
How to hire the best people for your startup
We invited Gitta Blatt (Head of People at Wooga) for our next Startup Clinics Talks. Gitta will give an insight into the #1 HR challenge most startups talk about: recruiting. A founder’s job is to hire a world class team. As soon as a small company grows, finding the right people becomes a major issue. Gitta Blatt will talk about the different hiring phases for startups, and also present creative tactics used at Wooga.
About Gitta Blatt
Gitta Blatt serves as Head of People at Wooga, one of Europe’s leading social and mobile games developers. Gitta heads Wooga’s people department, which focuses on recruiting, university relations, family support, on boarding and integration as well as employee assistance for more than 250 Woogas from over 43 nations. Together with her team, Gitta develops strategies for the rapid growth of the company, for the war for talent in the industry, the maintenance of the diverse company culture as a success factor.
07:00 pm | Intro to Startup Clinics |
07:10 pm | Gitta Blatt: How to hire the best people for your startup |
07:30 pm | Interactive Discussion and Q&A with Gitta |
08:00 pm | Networking |
Startup Clinics Talks
The SCT were developed for those interested in learning from some of Berlin’s top startup minds. We organize a series of local events with experts in the areas of HR, Management, Finance, Law, Sales, Business Modeling and more. Experts will range from experienced entrepreneurs to professionals with years of domain expertise. Join us and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, and experts who are eager to learn about your startup. For more information please visit www.startup-clinics.com. Since seats are limited, please register here if you would like to join the next SCT.
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