Platform Entrepreneurship in Europe: Which Business Models are Viable and Sustainable?
This event will be held in English
Global digitisation has enabled US platform companies to gain global reach and significant market power. This has led to “platformisation” in Europe: European firms, employees and consumers are exposed to institutional settings, digital infrastructures and competitive constraints that are created and shaped by a few private transnational platforms. Under these conditions:
How can European digital platform companies remain competitive?
How do national and EU regulations affect them?
How can platformisation be governed in order to achieve fairer results for European stakeholders?
This event is part of our two-year project Platform Alternatives, a cooperation between the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), with the support of Hans Böckler Foundation. Following a brief presentation of our preliminary findings, our panel of experts will discuss platform entrepreneurship in Europe and which sustainable platform alternatives European providers are able to offer.
Platformisation in Europe, Subin Park & Prof. Vili Lehdonvirta (Oxford Internet Institute)
European Platform Entrepreneurship, Dr. Nicolas Friederici (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)
Join us as we discuss these and other questions with:
Daniel Enke, Zalando (Berlin)
Jovana Karanović, VU Amsterdam/Reshaping Work (Amsterdam)
Ionut Lacusta, Glovo (Barcelona)
Thorsten Seeger, October (Paris, Munich)
Wednesday 3 June 2020, 11-12:30 am (CET)
HIIG | Online Event | hiig.de
Please register until June 1st through the form below to receive further information and all relevant links for the participation.
Diese exklusive Vorlesungsreihe entwickelt eine europäische Perspektive zu den aktuellen Transformationsprozessen innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft.
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