Das Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG) und das Brandenburgische Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZEM) laden zur internationalen Konferenz Infrastructures of Autonomy ein.
Beate Rössler | Keynote address
Autonomy and its Political Infrastructures – On being autonomous in the Uncanny Valley
An International Conference in Berlin, Germany
23 November 2022
HIIG Berlin, ZeM Potsdam
Download full conference programme
Autonomy has been a multifaceted term for centuries that was and remains a key concept in discussions about individuals and societies alike. More recently, autonomy has gained a renewed relevance and additional meanings in the context of technical innovation, where it is ubiquitously employed in variations of “autonomous systems”. It is often associated with independently moving or self-controlling machines such as drones, vehicles or robots, or more generally with a wide range of automation processes. In this broad understanding, ‘autonomous’ becomes an attribute for (artificial) intelligence or (machine) learning and is used synonymously with self-determination or adaptability. At the same time, the term invokes (at least) one other meaning: a relational understanding of autonomy that denotes individual and collective processes that are embedded in infrastructures and conditioned by them. It is only in relation to and in the context of media, rules, norms, laws, practices, architectures, materialities or machines that the idea of autonomy acquires any meaning at all.
Against this backdrop the Infrastructures of Autonomy conference’s main objective is to address said conditions, structures and relations that constitute both human and machine autonomy. This also entails the various interpretations of the concept of autonomy
Please register below for the keynote presentation. If you are interested in attending the conference on Thursday, Nov 24 and Friday, Nov 25 please click here for more information.
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 · HIIG · Französische Straße 9, 10117 Berlin (Room: Casino)
18:00 | Conference Opening: Keynote address by Beate Rössler (University of Amsterdam)
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19:30 | Reception
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