Exhibition: twentyforty – Utopias for a Digital Society
Die twentyforty Ausstellung befasst sich mit dreizehn Utopien für die digitale Gesellschaft, verfasst von visionären Wissenschaftler*innen aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten. Sie wirft folgende Fragen auf: Wie wird die Welt in zwei Jahrzehnten aussehen? Wie werden wir im Jahr 2040 arbeiten, leben, lieben und lernen? Die Ausstellung findet auf Englisch statt, eine Anmeldung wird empfohlen.
The twentyforty exhibition explores the digital utopias of thirteen visionary researchers from different fields of expertise. It asks: What will the world look like two decades from now? How will we work, live, love, learn in twentyforty? Digital technologies have changed our lives significantly in the last twenty years. With the looming rise of AI, virtual reality and data ubiquity it seems evident that the biggest changes still lie ahead of us. What will be next? Beyond the stories themselves the exhibition features audio-visual experiments in science communication and knowledge transfer. Visitors will be invited to dive into future visions of the digital society based on the expertise of the thirteen researchers and engage with pressing questions about our lives twenty years from now.
Exhibition: twentyforty – Utopias for a Digital Society
2 – 15 July 2020
Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin
The exhibition takes place as “pioneer project” at the pilot project Haus der Statistik which is coordinated by five co-operation partners (Koop5) from civil society and administration. Visiting the exhibition is free of charge. Registration for one of the time slots via the registration form below is highly recommended.
About the project
“twentyforty” is an anthology, consisting of thirteen visionary stories written by researchers in various disciplines, addressing the opportunities and challenges that digital technologies present for our future society in 2040. It started as an essay competition and is an exceptional experiment in science communication. In addition to the anthology, other formats have emerged in the context of twentyforty. The website twentyforty.hiig.de features the anthology to be downloaded free of charge via Open Access as well as background information on the texts and discursive resources.
Conditions of visit due to COVID-19 :
The exhibition may be visited by a maximum of 20 people at the same time. Therefore a registration through the website for one of the time slots is highly recommended in order to guarantee entrance and avoid any waiting time. However if there is still capacity you can also visit the exhibition spontaneously.
In order to be able to trace possible chains of infection, due to the SARS-CoV-2 Containment Measures Ordinance we are obliged to keep a record of attendance. For this purpose, contact data is collected via the registration form on the website or at the entrance. These data are used exclusively for possible transmission to the public health department in case of infection tracking.
Groups of more than two people or one household are not permitted to visit the site. A covering for the mouth and nose must be worn at the exhibition. Please keep a minimum distance of 1.5 metres and follow the signs with information on hygiene rules on site. Please stay at home if you have cold symptoms and fever.
By signing up you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded during the event and to the use of the content in connection with the promotion and public relations of the event.
Organized by in cooperation with
Photography © Niels Koennig
Trailer © Helena Kühnemann, Kathrin Unger
Hier eine Besuchszeit reservieren
Diese exklusive Vorlesungsreihe entwickelt eine europäische Perspektive zu den aktuellen Transformationsprozessen innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft.
Einmal im Monat laden wir ausgewählte Gäste ein, um gemeinsam mit dem Publikum über die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Gesellschaft zu sprechen.
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