Dr. ChatGPT: The use of LLMs in academia
Das Network of Centers (NoC) startet in diesem Jahr die NoC Learning Call Reihe. Den Auftakt der Serie übernimmt Benedikt Fecher und stellt eine in 2023 veröffentlichte Delphie-Studie zu der Frage vor, wie ChatGPT in der Wissenschaft verwendet wird. Das Event findet ausschließlich online und auf Englisch statt.
Dr. ChatGPT: The use of LLMs in academia
NoC Learning Call with Benedikt Fecher
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 | 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm (CET)
Online-only (Zoom)
ChatGPT was one of the most impressive technological innovations of recent years: almost overnight it had millions of users and changed the way many people think about technology and its possibilities. But how has it affected the work of us and our colleagues in science? To find out, a team led by our speaker Benedikt Fecher launched a Delphi study to gain insights into the everyday use of ChatGPT in something that was previously a truly human task: research. He will explain the results of the study and how it was conducted as part of the Network of Internet and Society Research Centers NoC.
In the discussion following the presentation, we invite you to discuss the results of the Delphi study Friend or foe? Exploring the implications of large language models on the science system and share your experiences with ChatGPT in your work, the problems you see with it and your expectations for the near future.
About the NoC Learning Call series
The NoC Learning Call series has been relaunched in 2024 to bring members of the network of centers together once a month to learn something new about the work within the network. We will hear new insights and discuss a wide range of topics with leading experts in the field. Due to the truly global nature of the NoC, we focus on the different continental and national perspectives on particular topics and try to think a little outside the box. Join us every last Tuesday of the month at 1pm CET for lively discussions and new insights on current topics. Upcoming events will focus on issues around DSA and its global implications, as well as the technological and societal change we can expect from quantum computing.
Benedikt Fecher is the Managing Director of Wissenschaft im Dialog. He was previously head of the research program “Knowledge & Society” at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, where the Delphi study has been conducted. In his research, he deals with issues at the intersection of technology, science and society. His areas of focus include open science, science communication and evaluation.
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