Focus topic Digital Services Act (DSA)
Das Network of Centers (NoC) lädt alle Mitglieder zum nächsten NoC Learning Call ein. Dieser Aufruf wird sich mit Fragen des DSA in seiner praktischen Anwendung befassen und einen Ausblick auf mögliche Reformideen geben. Unsere Referent*innen Ilaria Buri und Paddy Leerssen von der DSA-Beobachtungsstelle werden ihre Erkenntnisse aus den ersten Jahren ihrer DSA-Forschung mitteilen. Die Veranstaltung findet ausschließlich online und in englischer Sprache statt.
Focus topic Digital Services Act (DSA)
NoC Learning Call
Tuesday, 26 March 2024 | 3.00 pm (CET)
Online (Zoom)
The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a milestone in EU platform regulation, providing a new legal framework to govern controversial decisions about online content and freedom of expression. To monitor its drafting and implementation, researchers at the University of Amsterdam launched the DSA Observatory Project. In this talk, Ilaria Buri and Paddy Leerssen of the DSA Observatory will discuss important findings and takeaways from the first years of their project, and the different positions that academics occupy in researching for, with, and against the DSA.
Ilaria Buri is a research fellow at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. Her work focuses on monitoring the implementation and enforcement of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the context of the DSA Observatory project. She is particularly interested in exploring the DSA’s risk-based approach to platform governance, and the operationalization of the DSA systemic risks framework.
Paddy Leerssen is a postdoctoral legal researcher at the University of Amsterdam. His work focuses on social media governance, with a particular emphasis on questions of transparency and data access. Paddy is part of the Institute for Information Law (IViR’s) DSA Observatory project, which monitors the implementation of the EU’s new Digital Services Act.
Dr. Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux is an associate professor at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), Faculty of Law, focusing on the domain of digital law. She has a background in law and economics and specializes in research at the intersection of law and digital technologies with a particular focus on privacy, data protection, design approaches, transparency of automated decision-making, automatically processable regulation, and trust in automation. Aurelia’s scientific publications on those subjects are open access. Her PhD research “Designing for Privacy and Its Legal Framework” was published by Springer and won the Issekutz and SIAF awards. Prior to her joining UNIL, Aurelia worked as an assistant professor for Privacy, Security, and Computational Law at Maastricht University and was an active member of the Law and Tech Lab in the Netherlands.
Vincent Hofmann is a PhD candidate working for the HIIG as well as the Leibniz institute for media research | Hans-Bredow institute in Hamburg. He studied law with a focus on international and European law. His research focuses on ethical consideration around the application of AI with a focus on meaningful human intervention. His PhD deals with the question on how the interpretation of open constitutional norms can be made more consistently with the use of non-legal knowledge.
About the NoC Learning Call series
The NoC Learning Call series has been relaunched in 2024 to bring members of the network of centers together once a month to learn something new about the work within the network. We will hear new insights and discuss a wide range of topics with leading experts in the field. Due to the truly global nature of the NoC, we focus on the different continental and national perspectives on particular topics and try to think a little outside the box. Join us every last Tuesday of the month at 1pm CET for lively discussions and new insights on current topics. Upcoming events will focus on issues around DSA and its global implications, as well as the technological and societal change we can expect from quantum computing.
This event will be conducted in context of the project DSA Research Network.
To participate in this event, please register using the form below. You will receive the login details on the day of the event.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to vincent.hofmann@hiig.de.
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