Uta Meier-Hahn
As an academic editor for the institute’s Internet Policy Review (http://policyreview.info), Uta contributed to establishing a hybrid form of publication at the crossroads of journalism and academia. Before joining the institute, Uta worked as an online journalist for the public broadcasting company Norddeutscher Rundfunk. She studied Cultural Studies at the University of Lüneburg and at the Marmara University in Istanbul.
Meier-Hahn, U. (2019). Die Konnektivitätsökonomie des Internets: Architektur – Konventionen – Community. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. Publication details
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Meier-Hahn, U. (2015). Creating connectivity: trust, distrust and social microstructures at the core of the internet. 2015 TPRC 43: Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy. Conference Proceedings. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2014). Internet exchanges as organisers in the interconnection market. Conference Proceedings at Score International Conference on Organizing Markets, Stockholm. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2014). Internet interconnection: how the Economics of Convention can inform the discourse on internet governance. Conference Proceedings GigaNet, 9. Publication details
Working paper
Meier-Hahn, U. (2016). Exploring the Regulatory Conditions of Internet Interconnection – A Survey Among Internet Interconnection Professionals. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2016(03). Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2015). Creating Connectivity: Trust, Distrust and Social Microstructures at the Core of the Internet. HIIG Discussion Paper Series(2015-03). Publication details
Other publications
Meier-Hahn, U. (2017). Uncertainty is key. RIPE Labs. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2017). When internet interconnection trouble occurs, immediate coordination kicks in. Internet Policy Review. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2017). The secrets of de-peering. RIPE Labs. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2017). The Internet was built on trust. But what does it run on? RIPE Labs. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2016). The Internet infrastructure’s turn to content. RIPE Labs. Publication details
Meier-Hahn, U. (2016). What do network operators sell to each other? RIPE Labs. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Dagstuhl Seminar 17511 "The Critical Internet Infrastructure Revisited". Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany: 17.12.2017Uta Meier-Hahn
Internet Governance Forum Deutschland (Session: IoT und Industrie: Deutsche Unternehmen auf unsicherem Terrain). Internet Governance Forum Deutschland. Wappensaal, Rotes Rathaus, Berlin, Germany: 15.11.2017Uta Meier-Hahn
Creating Connectivity: How Networkers Manufacture the Good of the InternetRIPE 75 Meeting (Session: Plenary). RIPE NCC. Conrad, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 23.10.2017
Uta Meier-Hahn
Exploring the regulatory conditions of internet interconnection - Preliminary survey results71th RIPE Meeting (Session: Connect-WG). RIPE NCC. Remote presentation, Bucharest, Romania: 16.11.2015
Uta Meier-Hahn
How Trust and Distrust Among Networkers Shape Internet Connectivity27th Euro-IX Forum. European Internet Exchange Association. Melia Hotel, Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 27.10.2015
Uta Meier-Hahn
Creating connectivity: trust, distrust and social microstructures at the core of the internet.2015 TPRC: 43rd Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy (Session: Innovation 1). TPRC. George Mason University, Arlington (VA), USA: 26.09.2015
Uta Meier-Hahn
Creating connectivity: Social Processes at The Internet’s CoreALPIS Symposium on Infrastructuring For The Common Good. University of Trento. Antica Vetreria, Carisolo, Italy: 13.02.2015
Uta Meier-Hahn
The social side of internet interconnection69th RIPE Meeting (Session: Working Group ”Connect"). RIPE NCC. Hammersmith International Centre, London, United Kingdom: 04.11.2014
Uta Meier-Hahn
The social side of internet interconnectionEuropean Peering Forum 2014. AMSIX, DECIX, LINX, netnod. Hotel Le Meridien, Split, Croatia: 23.09.2014
Uta Meier-Hahn
Organisation of events
Turkish delight: A for Arrest, B for Bots & C for Censorshipre:publica 2017. with attending Vip: Başak Çalı. 08.05.2017. Station Berlin, Berlin, Germany (International)
Frédéric Dubois, Uta Meier-Hahn
Public service content outgrows public service mediare:publica 2017. with attending Vip: Lambert Heller, Christina Riesenweber, Frédéric Dubois. Moderation: Isabella Meinecke. 07.05.2017. Station Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Internet Policy Review (International)
Frédéric Dubois, Uta Meier-Hahn
Finding a European way on internet governancere:publica 2015. with attending Vip: Amelia Andersdotter, Maciej Tomachievski, Raegan MacDonald. Moderation: Andrea Calderaro. 06.05.2017. Station Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Internet Policy Review (International)
Frédéric Dubois, Uta Meier-Hahn
Let’s Talk about Content! - Wie sich die Infrastruktur des Internets verändertre:publica 2013. 07.05.2013. Station Berlin, Berlin, Germany (International)
Uta Meier-Hahn
Participation as expert
The Network of Networked Things: Finding the Internet in IoT Internet Governance Forum 2016: Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable GrowthPALCCO Centre, Jalisco, Mexico: 06.12.2016Uta Meier-Hahn
Media appearances
Internet-Carrier beklagen immer mehr Regulierung (09.04.2016). Deutschlandfunk
Further information

Former Associated Researcher: The evolving digital society