Stephan Bohn, Dr.
Stephan is a senior researcher and a project leader in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society group. He is responsible for projects about digital organizing, sustainability, open source and platforms.
Stephan has a PhD in organization studies from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, where he studied the implementation of sustainability and management concepts in tech companies from an institutional perspective. He was a fellow of the Transatlantic Doctoral Academy on Corporate Responsibility, a quest researcher at the WZB Berlin and WU Vienna and realized and participated in several DFG projects (The institutional complexity of the energiewende, Free University of Berlin & Scientific Network “Temporary Organizing”).
Besides his focus on organizational change, his papers and projects are about institutional change, framing and (disruptive) technologies in different areas, especially digitalization and open-source, digital music market and platforms, and green innovations such as renewables, and electric mobility. In doing so, he likes to combine qualitative methods and machine learning approaches such as topic modeling.
He is also a lecturer at the FU Berlin and the University of Salzburg in the fields of management & organization, business, and digitalization.
- Entrepreneurship & innovation
Task Force: Digital Organizing
The task force Digital Organizing is a group of researchers who study the implications of digital practices for the processes of organizing. - Entrepreneurship & innovation · Politics & law
Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability of digital platforms
This project examines the growing corporate power of platform capitalism and its hegemony on several spheres of European society.
- Entrepreneurship & innovation · Science engagement
Digitalisation and Climate
The project Digitalisation and Climate examines the economic, ecological & social dimensions of a sustainable digital economy. - Entrepreneurship & innovation · Media & data
Platform Alternatives
The project team will derive Corporate Governance Principles for digital platforms that seek to distribute collectively created value more fairly. The project is implemented...
Scheuermann, B., & Bohn, S. (Eds.) (2021). encore. The annual Magazine on Internet and Society Research, 2020/2021. Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Publication details
Bohn, S. (2014). Die Implementierung von CSR in High-Tech Unternehmen. Zum organisationalen Umgang mit divergierenden institutionalisierten Erwartungen. Wiesbaden, Hessen: Springer-Gabler. Publication details
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Rashid, L., Möckel, C., & Bohn, S. (2024). The blessing and curse of “no strings attached”: An automated literature analysis of psychological health and non-attachmental work in the digitalization era. Plos one, 19(2). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298040 Publication details
Sminia, H., Bohn, S., & Sydow, J. (2024). Path release among practices in the process of path constitution: How the MP3-path appeared in the field of recorded music. Research Policy, 53(8). DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105073 Publication details
Bohn, S., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2023). Growing Institutional Complexity and Field Transition: Towards Constellation Complexity in the German Energy Field. Journal of Management Studies. DOI: Publication details
Bohn, S., Gümüşay, A. A., von Richthofen, G., & Reischauer, G. (2023). Digital organising. Internet Policy Review – Concepts of the digital society, 12(4), 1-15. Publication details
Risi, D., Vigneau, L., & Bohn, S., & Wickert, C. W. (2022). Institutional theory-based research on Corporate Social Responsibility: Bringing values back in. International Journal of Management Reviews(00), 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12299 Publication details
Bohn, S., & Rogge, JC. (2022). The framing of green innovations—a comparative topic modeling study on the public frames of the electric vehicle in Germany and UK. Journal of Cleaner Production, 364, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132499 Publication details
Bohn, S., & Braun, T. (2021). Field-configuring projects: how projects shape the public reflection of electric mobility in Germany. International Journal of Project Management. DOI: Publication details
Bohn, S., Lohmeyer, N., Kumar, H. Jha and Reinecke, J. (2021). Hostile frame takeover: Co-opting the security frame in the German nuclear energy debate. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2021(1), 6. DOI: Publication details
Bohn, S., Friederici, N., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). Too big to fail us? Platforms as systemically relevant. Internet Policy Review. Publication details
Bohn, S., & Braun, T. (2019). Field-configuring projects? A machine learning approach about how projects shape the meaning of electronic mobility in Germany. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1). Publication details
Risi, D., Vigneau, L., & Bohn, S. (2019). How Values Promote Actions in Institutions: A Systematic Review of New Institutionalist Research on Corporate Social Responsibility. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1). Publication details
Bohn, S. (2018). Komplexität, Heterogenität und big data – (oder) Wie Machine Learning Algorithmen die explorative Analyse institutioneller Vielfalt erlauben. Nano-Paper. Publication details
Bohn, S., Perendija, A., & Jha, H. K. (2018). Topic Modeling and Management Research. Mapping Fields with Big Data. Academy of Management Global Proceedings. Publication details
Bohn, S., Kunze, M., & Günther, M. (2018). Stressed and shattered: A topic modeling study about field-level change and consequences of high degree complexity in the German energy market. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1). Publication details
Bohn, S., Galander, A., & Walgenbach, P. (2015). The creativity of organizations in the taking of management panaceas – On the implementation of CSR in German high-tech firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1). Publication details
Beyer, S., Bohn, S., Grünheid, T., Händschke, S., Kerekes, R., Müller, J., & Walgenbach, P. (2014). Wofür übernehmen Unternehmungen Verantwortung? Und wie kommunizieren sie ihre Verantwortungsübernahme? – Eine explorative Studie. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 15(1), 57-80. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Bihr, P., Bohn, S., & Send, H. (2021). Freie Technologien für die Gesellschaft. In M. Gibson-Kunze, C. Golbeck, A. Halfmann, & T. J. Smith, Die Große Transformation in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 36. Berlin: UVG-Verlag. Publication details
Bohn, S., & Walgenbach, P. (2019). Is CSR Crowding Out Charity? A case Study of CSR Implementation in a German Company. In A. Sales (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change. Ethical Economy (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy), vol. 57 (pp. 259-270). Cham, Bavaria: Springer. Publication details
Bohn, S. (2018). Neoinstitutionalismus und Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung. In H. Backhaus-Maul, M. Kunze, S. Nährlich (Eds.), Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen in Deutschland (pp. 257-269). Wiesbaden, Hessen: Springer VS. Publication details
Bohn, S. & Walgenbach, P. (2018). Refusing, connecting and playing off conflicting institutional demands. A longitudinal study on the organizational handling of the end of nuclear power, climate protection, and the energy turnaround in Germany. In G. Krücken, C. Mazza, R.E. Meyer & P. Walgenbach (Eds.), New Themes in Institutional Analysis: Topics and Issues from European Research (pp. 162-193). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Publication details
Bohn, S., Galander, A. & Walgenbach, P. (2015). The creativity of organizations in the taking of management panaceas – On the implementation of CSR in German high-tech firms. In Anders Örtenblad, Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. (pp. 259-284). Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Edward Elgar. Publication details
Beyer, S. Bohn, S., Grünheid, T., Händschke, S., Kerekes, R., Müller, J., & Walgenbach, P. (2015). Die Kommunikation von Verantwortung – Eine explorative Studie der Internetkommunikation von drei DAX30 Unternehmen. In H. Alwart (Eds.), Freiheitsverluste in Rechtsregime, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. (pp. 129-152). Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Mohr Siebeck. Publication details
Working paper
Kettemann, M. C. & Bohn, S. (2023). Verantwortliche Unternehmensführung in der Plattformwirtschaft. Europäische Strategien für eine fairere Ordnung der globalen Digitalökonomie. Working Paper Forschungsförderung 275, Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung,. Publication details
Other publications
Fecher, B., Gümüsay, A. A., Bohn, S. & A. Jobin (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details
Bohn, S. (2023). Saving orangutan habitats – digital technology and rainforest protection in Indonesia. encore. Publication details
Fecher, B., Gümüşay, A. A., Bohn, S., & Jobin, A. (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details
Bihr, P., Bohn, S., & Send, H. (2021). Free technologies for the whole world to use – why open source hardware is in the public interest. Digital Society Blog, 18.01.2021. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Stories from values and profits. How the construction of narratives contributed to the emergence of the digital platform field40th EGOS Colloquium - Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People. EGOS. University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy: 04.07.2024 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Alina Kontareva, David Risi
Understanding platform dominance: The role of financialization strategies in the evolution of the platform organizational form.EGOS: 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023: Sub-theme 75: The New Faces and Interfaces of Digital Platforms. EGOS. University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy: 06.07.2023 Further information
Alina Kontareva, Stephan Bohn
Growing Institutional Complexity – Field Transitioning Processes Towards Constellation Complexity.47. Workshop der WK ORG. Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria: 15.03.2023 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüşay
Digital organizing in open-source IoT companies. The mutual relationship between datafication and connectification.38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, Austria: 07.07.2022 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüsay
Curation and control in open innovation processes. How individuals organize collaborative knowledge creation in IoT hardware companies.36th EGOS Colloquium - Organizing for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance. EGOS, Online, Germany: 04.07.2020
Mehera Hassan, Hendrik Send, Heike Hölzner, Stephan Bohn
Transiting toward greener solutions? A comparative study of the e-mobility discourse in Norway and Germany during times of change (2000-2018).36th EGOS Colloquium - Organizing for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance.. EGOS, Online, Germany: 04.07.2020
Birthe Soppe, Stephan Bohn
Path Creation as Contestation, Imbrication and Emancipation: How Music Distribution Became Digital.VHB Conference 2020. VHB, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany: 20.03.2020
Harry Sminia, Jörg Sydow, Stephan Bohn,
How Values Promote Actions in Institutions: A Systematic Review of New Institutionalist Research Corporate Social Responsibility.79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Boston, USA: 13.08.2019
David Risi, Laurence Vigneau, Stephan Bohn
Field-configuring projects? A machine learning approach about how projects shape the meaning of electronic mobility in Germany79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Boston, USA: 13.08.2019
Stephan Bohn, Timo Braun
Path creation as contestation, competition, and collaboration: How digital distribution of music came about.35th EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom: 06.07.2019
Stephan Bohn, Harry Sminia, Jörg Sydow
Communication in crisis. The case of Enron.Ilmenau Research Forum. Ilmenau Research Forum, Ilmenau, Germany: 09.05.2019
Simon Oertel, Stephan Bohn
Field-configuring projects? How projects shape the meaning of electronic mobility in Germany34th Workshop WK Org. WK Org, Münster, Germany: 15.02.2019
Stephan Bohn, Timo Braun
Stressed and shattered: Field-level change and consequences of high degree complexity in the German energy market.78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Chicago, USA: 14.08.2018
Stephan Bohn, Martin Kunze, Maik Günther
Field-configuring projects? How projects shape the meaning of electronic mobility in Germany.34th EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Tallinn, Estonia: 07.07.2018
Stephan Bohn, Timo Braun
Made to Break - A Longitudinal Study About the Development of the German Energy Transition and the Inherent Role of Social Innovations.Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions "Breaking the Rules". WZB, Berlin, Germany: 15.06.2018
Stephan Bohn
Machine Learning & Topic Modeling. Combining Qualitative Research and Big Data.Digital Humanities Talks. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 08.06.2018
Stephan Bohn
Topic modeling and Management Research. Mapping fields with big data.AOM Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy. Academy of Management, Surrey, United Kingdom: 20.04.2018
Stephan Bohn, Aleksandra Perendija, Harsh Jha Kumar.
Framing electromobility. A topic modeling approach.SPRU research forum. Science Policy Research Forum, Brighton, United Kingdom: 04.04.2018
C. Rogge, Stephan Bohn.
Literature review of new institutionalist research on corporate social responsibility: A current and future research agenda.14th New Institutionalism Workshop. Bocconi University, Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management, Mailand, Italy: 17.03.2018
Laurence Vigneau, David Risi, Stephan Bohn.
Stressed and shattered: Field-level change and consequences of high degree complexity in the German energy market.33th EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Copenhagen, Denmark: 08.07.2017
Stephan Bohn, Martin Kunze, Maik Günther
Stressed and shattered: Field-level change and consequences of high degree complexity in the German energy market. (mit Martin Kunze & Maik Günther)13th New Institutionalism Workshop. Universität Mannheim, Jerusalem, Israel: 20.03.2017
Stephan Bohn, Martin Kunze, Maik Günther
Living with tensions. Paradoxical strategies in the organizational handling of CSR implementation processes.41th Workshop of the commission organization. Commission Organization, Hamburg, Germany: 17.02.2017
Stephan Bohn, Peter Walgenbach
Topic modeling - From exploration to evidence the case of the German energy transitionWZB Big Data Brown-Bag Seminar. WZB, Berlin, Germany: 15.12.2016
Stephan Bohn
Because of security... Dynamic frames, and vocabularies in the debate over the German energy transition (1997-2011)32th EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Neaples, Italy: 09.07.2016
Stephan Bohn
Living with tensions. Paradoxical strategies in the organizational handling of CSR implementation processes.EGOS Pre-Colloquium. EGOS, Neaples, Italy: 05.07.2016
Stephan Bohn, Peter Walgenbach
The creativity of organizations in the taking of management panaceas - On the implementation of CSR in German high-tech firms.75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada: 11.08.2015
Stephan Bohn, Anne Galander, Peter Walgenbach
Refusing, connecting and playing off conflicting institutional demands. A longitudinal study on the organizational handling of the end of nuclear power, climate protection, and the energy turnaround in Germany.31th EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Athens, Greece: 04.07.2015
Stephan Bohn, Peter Walgenbach
Refusing, connecting and playing off conflicting institutional demands. A longitudinal study on the organizational handling of the end of nuclear power, climate protection, and the energy turnaround in Germany.10th New Institutionalism Workshop. Universität Mannheim, Rom, Italy: 21.03.2014
Stephan Bohn, Peter Walgenbach
Rhetorik, Entkopplung und Ambivalenztoleranz. Eine qualitative Studie zum Umgang von Unternehmen mit Konflikten zwischen divergierenden institutionalisierten Erwartungen.38th Workshop of the commission organization. Commission Organization, Jena, Germany: 28.02.2014
Stephan Bohn
Digital organizing & strategizing in open-source IoT companies. The mutual relationship between datafication and connectification.38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. WU, Vienna, Vienna, Austria: 07.08.2022 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüsay
Toward a new methodological paradigm in transition studies? Recent approaches for analyzing collections of texts by discourse (network) analysis, topic modeling and natural language processing12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST). Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, Online, Germany: 05.10.2021 Further information
Christian Binz, Stephan Bohn, Jonas Heiberg, Daniel Hain, Birthe Soppe & Bernhard Truffer
Moderation of workshops and panels
Presentation: Hostile frame takeover. Co-opting the security frame in the German nuclear energy debateAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM-2021). Academy of Management, Online, USA: 03.08.2021 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Nora Lohmeyer, Harsh Kumar Jha & Juliane Reinecke
Organisation of events
Lunch Talk | National platforms in a world of global platform giants: the case of Russian domestic competitors08.06.2023. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information
Alina Kontareva, Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Stephan Bohn
Lunch Talk | How India Became a Global Hub for IT Outsourcing and Consultingwith attending Vip: Matthias Kipping. 17.04.2023. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Stephan Bohn
Digitaler Salon: Green Surveillance25.01.2023. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Stephan Bohn
Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital technology for rainforest protection13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesien. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)
Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm
Panel discussion: Digital technology for rainforest protection13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)
Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm
Lunch Talk Series I Digitalisation & Sustainability I Protection of Natural Resources17.11.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information
Sarah Spitz, Stephan Bohn
Digital Lunch Talk with Johanna Mair, Alberto Bertello, Thomas Gegenhuber & Stephan BohnOpen Lunch Talk Series. The potential of Open Innovation to cope with Grand Challenges.. 30.11.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information
Stephan Bohn, Thomas Schildhauer, Hendrik Send
Media appearances
Regenwaldschutz mit digitalen Lösungen: „Digitalisierung macht Entwicklungen sichtbar, so dass sie von niemandem mehr negiert werden können.“ (13.03.2023). RESET Digital for Good
Further information
Regenwaldschutz mit digitalen Lösungen: „Digitalisierung macht Entwicklungen sichtbar, so dass sie von niemandem mehr negiert werden können.“ (13.03.2023). RESET – Digital for Good
Further information
Facebook in der Kritik: Das Unternehmen ist längst “too big to fail” (09.10.2021). Deutschlandfunk Kultur, BREITBAND
Further information
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, BREITBAND
Facebook in der Kritik: Das Unternehmen ist längst “too big to fail”

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Twitter: @Ste_Bohn
Topics: Green Technology & Innovations, Digital Platform Economy, Sustainable Entrepreneurship