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Rüdiger Schwarz

Rüdiger Schwarz was a project lead for the research area of Global Constitutionalism and the Internet.

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Schwarz, R. (2015). Context Matters: The Role of ICTs for Supporting Democracy in the Southern Hemisphere. PolitiKa, 1(2), 106-111. Publication details

Organisation of events

Interdisciplinary Research on Information Privacy, Surveillance, and Data Protection
Early Stage Researcher Colloquium 2015. 23.09.2015. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany (International)

Thea Riebe, Jörg Pohle, Rüdiger Schwarz, Osvaldo Saldías, Ingolf Pernice

Challenges and Opportunities for Public Law and Public Administration in the Digital Era
16.01.2015. Universidad de Chile, School of Law, Santiago, Chile. Co-Organised by: Universidad de Chile (International)

Rüdiger Schwarz, Osvaldo Saldías

From Disobedient Practices to Global Governance Arrangements: Academic perspectives on digital phenomena
Discussion at the HIIG as part of the Federal Foreign Office's Visitors' Program. 07.08.2014. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International)

Kirsten Gollatz, Rüdiger Schwarz, Osvaldo Saldías, Theresa Züger

Fachgespräch zur EU-Datenschutzreform mit dem BMI
27.01.2014. Walter-Hallstein-Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht, Berlin, Germany (National)

Emma Peters, Maximilian von Grafenstein, Jörg Pohle, Rüdiger Schwarz, Osvaldo Saldías, Ingolf Pernice



Associated Researcher: Global Constitutionalism and the Internet



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