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Cookies make you lose control

In August, we will talk about digital self-determination. The talk will be held in German.

Federal President Steinmeier visits via live online connection

On 24 June 2021, Federal President Steinmeier talked with the participants of the “Toward an African Narrative on Digital Sovereignty” research sprint about new solutions for Africa’s digital economy in order to realise the national and individual interests of the continent’s citizens.

Digitaler Salon: Plattformen im Konflikt

What responsibility does Facebook & Co. have when fake news and hate speech polarise society?

Why, AI?

Everyone talks about Artificial Intelligence (AI). But how does it change society?

Digital Urban Center for Aging and Health (DUCAH)

From 19 April, the DUCAH participants will explore problems in the interplay of digitisation, urbanisation and health.

Genia Kostka: Big data dreams and local reality in China

Are digital technologies tools for convenience or control? And how does it alter state-society relations in China?

Toward an African Narrative on Digital Sovereignty

Be part of our virtual research Sprint 2021 on the African Narrative on Digital Sovereignty! Application Deadline: Sunday, 23 May 2021.

Vom Fließband zur KI

Wie verändert sich unser Arbeitsalltag durch Künstliche Intelligenz? Livestream: 28. April | 19 Uhr.

Be part of it and give young committed people a voice!

At the "Dialogue Day: Strengthening Young and Digital Engagement", young people are given the opportunity to exchange views on everyday challenges and demands related to their voluntary engagement.

Platform Governance Archive published

The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) facilitates critical engagement with the way platforms govern our communication and activities.

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