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Sascha Schönig

Sascha is in the middle of his master’s degree and a student at the Institute for Sociology of the TU-Berlin. During his bachelor’s degree he specialized in transnational inequalities and the uprising of mass movements via social media.

His Bachelor thesis shed a light on the satisfaction of sociology students since the Bologna-process to identify possible changes in the university system like the highly discussed “Verschulung” (meaning “school-like-teaching”) of Humanities. This was done via qualitative and quantitative methods.

Before he joined the FP3 Team on the IMPaQT-Project at HIIG, he worked for three years as a student assistant at the Institute for medical Sociology and Rehabilitation of Charitè Berlin.

Other publications

Züger, T. & Schönig, S. (2024). The (potential) impact of AI on the individual research process and science in general. Elephant in the Lab. Publication details

Sascha Schönig


Student assistant: Knowledge & Society