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The German far-right on YouTube: An analysis of user overlap and user comments

Author: Rauchfleisch, A. & Kaiser, J.
Published in: Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(3), 396
Year: 2020
Type: Academic articles
DOI: 10.1080/08838151.2020.1799690

This study focuses on the formation of far-right online communities on YouTube and whether the rise of three new actors (Pegida, Identitarian movement, AfD) can also be observed with user behavior on YouTube. We map the network of far-right, conspiracy and alternative media channels in the German-language YouTube sphere, how this network evolves over time and identify the topics that users discuss. Our analysis shows that the overall common denominator within the German far-right YouTube sphere is the refugee crisis and the problems associated with it. Furthermore, we show that the community is getting denser and more centralized over time.

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