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How can innovative teaching be taught? Insights from higher education

Author: Hellmann, J.H., Paus, E. & Jucks. R.
Published in: Psychology Learning and Teaching, 13, 43-51
Year: 2014
Type: Academic articles
DOI: 10.2304/plat.2014.13.1.43

Seeing the need to change parts of one's teaching project may be the starting point for scholars to seek inspiration and guidance from educational psychologists for innovation in their teaching. In this report, the authors address the question of how educational psychologists can assist lecturers in higher education with the implementation of innovative teaching projects. Reflection of existing teaching practices helps promote the use of innovative teaching projects. The diversity of lecturers and teaching subjects in higher education makes counselling tailored to each individual teacher essential. In the present contribution, the authors describe a course on innovative teaching projects in university education. Participants represented various disciplines and were at different stages of their academic careers. Instructors of the course were two educational psychologists who assisted participants for one complete term in planning and realizing innovative teaching concepts, and finally in evaluating their teaching projects.

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