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Women* in Tech

The transfer project "Women* in Tech" develops intersectional questions on gender equality in the technology sector. In cooperation with the local digital transformation centers of the GIZ and the GIZ offices in different nations, different dimensions of structural discrimination and equal rights of women* are examined. With our focus on building networks for and by women*, we aim to support cultural change in the technology sector.

The foundation for this is laid by effective stakeholder communication and publicly impactful events with local actors. The aim of the exchange is to strengthen the equal rights of women* worldwide through networking and expertise, as well as to create new spaces of opportunity and co-design. 

In country-specific case studies, best practices are collected and subsequently made available across countries. A second scientific focus is the critical assessment of structural and systemic discrimination of marginalized groups within the tech sector.

By the term women*, we mean all persons who identify with the term woman.

Project focus

Fairness, Inclusion and Equality

How can intersectional perspectives be co-conceived in digital and technology industries?

Visibility and Chances

How can developers, computer scientists and decision-makers help shape the digitalisation of society? Both in development and application, as well as in regards to investment.

Empowerment and Education

How can programmes at schools and universities be targeted, regional and meaningful in their approach, in order to promote girls* and women* in the digital and IT industry at an early stage?


Science communication

During the entire transfer process, there will be a continuous exchange with respective local and international stakeholders. The results are prepared in such a way that they can be used by a broad target group and are available in the long term.


A position paper on the discussions and findings from the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) in Mexico City, Mexico with the title "A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Tech-Sector” has been published. 

A spanish version of the position paper "Una Perspectiva de Género en la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y el Sector Tecnológico" is also available. 

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Tech-Sector

24th May 2023

The focus of this Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) is the development of an intersectional gender perspective within the tech sector, especially with regard to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Experts from different fields will discuss the potential of inclusive technologies and possible developments of a diverse tech sector in Mexico and Latin America.

The event is part of the Foro Regional de la Transformación Digital and will be held in Spanish.

Inspirational Talk: Women* who inspire in technology

26th May 2023

The Inspirational Talk will give an insight into the working world of Mónica A. Ramos Li, co-founder of Musa, a tech company that promotes the digitalisation of training and teaching content in Latin America. 

The event is intended to provide an opportunity for networking between different actors from academia, politics, business and the public sector.

Knowledge Database

By expanding the knowledge database The Knowledge Exchange :// Digitalisation, international best practices can be captured and made available to interested parties.


A position paper on the discussions and findings from the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) in Quito, Ecuador with the title "Gender Perspective on Technology in Ecuador” has been published. 

A spanish version of the position paper "Una Perspectiva de Género en el Sector Tecnológico en Ecuador" is also available. 

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on the Tech-Sector

7th June 2023

This event will focus on the gender perspective within the technology sector and artificial intelligence in Ecuador. We will focus particularly on women* and marginalised groups in rural areas.

Experts from different fields will discuss the potential of inclusive technologies, possible developments of a diverse tech sector and training of women* within the sector for Ecuador and the region.

The event will be held in Spanish.

Inspirational Talk: Women* who inspire in technology

7th June 2023

Leslie Jarrin, computer engineer and lecturer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) will share her personal journey, challenges and triumphs as a woman* in the technology sector at this event.
The talk aims to provide an opportunity for networking between different stakeholders from academia, the community, politics and business.

The event will be held in Spanish.

Knowledge Database

By expanding the knowledge database The Knowledge Exchange :// Digitalisation, international best practices can be captured and made available to interested parties.


position paper on the discussions and findings with the title "A Gender Perspective on Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector in Cambodia” has been published. 

Ideathon: Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector in Cambodia

27th October 2023

With a focus on the digital future for women* in terms of digital literacy and the inclusion of women* within the tech industry, the Ideathon aims to empower women* and marginalised communities in the tech and digital industry by providing them with a platform to discuss innovative solutions to pressing challenges.

The event will include interactive group discussions and hands-on workshops from experts from the tech sector which aim to create a supportive networking environment and to facilitate an international knowledge transfer.

Inspirational Talk

27th October 2023

In this inspirational talk, Omuoy Heang, CEO of Asia Digital Technology Innovation (ADITI) and co-founder of Tech for Kids Academy, will give an insight into her personal journey as a woman* in the tech industry, her challenges and triumphs, and her role as an advocate for equal digital education for women and children in Cambodia.

The event is intended to provide an opportunity for networking between different actors from academia, politics, business and the public sector.

Knowledge Database

By expanding the knowledge database The Knowledge Exchange :// Digitalisation, international best practices can be captured and made available to interested parties.


position paper on the discussions and findings from the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) with the title "Women in the Tech-Sector in Mauritania” has been published. 

A french version of the position paper "Les femmes dans le secteur de la technologie en Mauritanie" is also available. 


4. November 2023

The focus of this multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) is the development of an intersectional gender perspective within the technology sector in Mauritania. This MSD centers primarily on the local networking of women* in the tech sector and the identification of unequal digital resource distribution in society. Experts from the relevant fields will discuss the potential of digital education and access into the tech sector for women* in Mauritania. 

The event will be held in French.

Inspirational Talk

4. November 2023

This Inspirational Talk gives an insight into the personal career and working life of Dr. Fatimetou Mohamed-Saleck, professor of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science at the University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya.

The event will be held in French.

The event is intended to provide an opportunity for networking between different actors from academia, politics, business and the public sector.

Knowledge Database

By expanding the knowledge database The Knowledge Exchange :// Digitalisation, international best practices can be captured and made available to interested parties.

Former employees

Lectures and presentations

Applications ethics and future of AI
Applications ethics and future of AI. Nouakchott Modern University, Nouakchott, Mauritania: 02.11.2023

Theresa Züger

Unleashing Potential: Creating Pathways for Women Entrepreneurs in Cambodia
Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector (Session: Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector). Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia: 27.10.2023 Further information

Jeanette Hofmann

IA y el interés público ¿Cómo puede servir la IA a la igualdad de género y dar apoyo a la igualdad de oportunidades?
Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Tech-Sector. Ministry of Economy, Mexico City, Mexico: 24.05.2023 Further information

Theresa Züger

Mujeres en el sector tecnológico
Invitation-Only: II escuela de mujer rural. Ministerio de Agricultura Ecuador. Ministerio de Agricultura, Quito, Ecuador: 19.05.2023

Sarah Spitz

Moderation of workshops and panels

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Women in the tech sector in Mauritania. Azalaï Hotel, Nouakchott, Mauritania: 04.11.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Inspirational Talk in Cambodia: Women* who inspire in technology. Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia: 27.10.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector. Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia: 27.10.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on the Tech-Sector. Hotel Dann Carlton, Quito, Ecuador: 07.06.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz, Paul Vilchez

Inspirational Talk in Ecuador: Women* who inspire in technology. Hotel Dann Carlton, Quito, Ecuador: 07.06.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Inspirational Talk in Mexico: Women* who inspire in technology. Ministry of Economy, Mexico City, Mexico: 26.05.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Tech-Sector. Ministry of Economy, Mexico City, Mexico: 24.05.2023 Further information

Sarah Spitz

Organisation of events

Digital Governance and Data Policy
27.09.2024. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International)

Maurice Stenzel, Sarah Spitz, Sonja Köhne, Jörg Pohle

Inspirational Talk in Mauritania: Women* who inspire in technology
04.11.2023. Azalaï Hotel, Nouakchott, Mauritania (International) Further information

Sarah Spitz

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Women in the tech sector in Mauritania
04.11.2023. Azalaï Hotel, Nouakchott, Mauritania (International) Further information

Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Theresa Züger

Inspirational Talk in Cambodia: Women* who inspire in technology
27.10.2023. Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (International) Further information

Sarah Spitz

Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector
27.10.2023. Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (International) Further information

Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Jeanette Hofmann

Inspirational Talk in Ecuador: Women* who inspire in technology
07.06.2023. Hotel Dann Carlton, Quito, Ecuador (International) Further information

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on the Tech-Sector in Ecuador
07.06.2023. Hotel Dann Carlton, Quito, Ecuador (International) Further information

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz

Inspirational Talk in Mexico: Women* who inspire in technology
26.05.2023. Ministry of Economy, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko (International) Further information

Sarah Spitz, Theresa Züger

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Tech-Sector
24.05.2023. Ministry of Economy, Mexico-City, Mexico (International) Further information

Sarah Spitz, Theresa Züger

Funding & Timeframe

"Women* in Tech" is a cooperative project with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in collaboration with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). As a scientific partner, HIIG supports the BMZ's Digital Transformation Centers (DTCs) and carries out exchange and transfer formats in partner countries.


 December 2022 – December 2023

 Funded by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)

 On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)Man sieht das Wort "GIIZ" in roten Buchstaben und das Logo des BEZ bestehend aus einem schwarnze Adler neben einer stilisierten deutschen Flagge mit schwarzem Schriftzug


Sarah Spitz

Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator Human in the Loop?

Theresa Züger, Dr.

Research Group Lead: Public Interest AI | AI & Society Lab, Co-Lead: Human in the Loop


AI & Society Lab

The AI & Society Lab is a research group at HIIG. It functions as an interface between research, industry and civil society.