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Generative KI in der Arbeitswelt

Generative AI in the world of work

With the release of ChatGPT, the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has become tangible to the general public. AI-based chatbots, such as OpenAI's GPT-4, can be used in a variety of ways: they search, analyse and summarise information. They can also generate and revise ideas, text or code for us. The high technological maturity of these AI applications and their versatility make them extremely important for the world of work. In knowledge-intensive professions, generative AI promises more time for creative activities thanks to efficiency gains. On the negative side, however, its use can also lead to the devaluation of human skills or even their replacement. Questions remain about the possible new skills that workers will need when working with generative AI.

For this reason, the research project "Generative Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work" (GENKIA) is investigating the significance of generative AI for individuals, organisations and professions. Its aim is to capture the experiences of workers with generative AI and to analyse possible impacts on employment and quality of work. We will also explore the conditions under which work processes can be supported by the use of generative AI.

The project is a collaboration between the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Weizenbaum Institute. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).

Research work

Generative AI will have a significant impact on knowledge work in particular. Therefore, the research project focuses on five socially relevant domains in which generative AI systems are already being applied:

  • Marketing

  • Human Resource Management

  • Programming

  • Journalism

  • Public Administration

Generative AI is often perceived as conflicting by employees. For example, ChatGPT can save research time, but it can also create additional work, such as fact-checking. The exact impact of the technology is still largely unexplored and depends on the context of its use. Therefore, in this project we investigate how and with what consequences generative AI is used, with a particular interest in its significance for knowledge-intensive and creative professions such as marketing. We also highlight the importance of organisational and institutional frameworks and develop design options for the responsible use of generative AI.

Dr. Georg von Richthofen

HR professionals are not only using generative AI in their own processes, such as in chatbots or for creating interview or offboarding questions, but they are also faced with potential changes in the workforce as a result of the technology. For example, will generative AI change the way employees learn or acquire internal knowledge? Are there risks in handling confidential information that require policies or company agreements? The GENKIA project aims to answer these and other questions.

Sonja Köhne

Generative AI is a versatile, general-purpose technology whose use opens up space for many complementary innovations - for example, in organisation. At the same time, the use of this technology requires a variety of changes in the environment, allowing us to examine a potentially profound transformation of the business landscape in the context of generative AI. In this context, we see a coexistence of societal and technical advances and significant challenges, underscoring the importance of a cautious and well-informed approach.

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Send


We communicate the results of the project to academics, policymakers, businesses, public institutions and the general public in ways tailored to each target group. In addition to scientific formats, these include blog articles, policy dialogues and public events. The focus is on the timely transfer of initial project results into the political discourse on the design and regulation of generative AI, in close coordination with the Policy Lab Digital, Work & Society of the BMAS.

Other publications

von Richthofen, G. (2024). Zwischen Zeitersparnis und Zusatzaufwand: Generative KI in der Arbeitswelt. Digital society blog. Publication details

Köhne, S., v. Richthofen, G., Send, H., & Buß, N. (2024). Empowering workers with data. Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

Unraveling data analytics in human resource management: A paradox perspective
13th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands: 08.11.2024 Further information

Sonja Köhne

Oh mein Bot: Künstliche Intelligenz in Verwaltung und Unternehmen
Digitaltag der Industrie- und Handelskammer. IHK Berlin. Data Space, Berlin, Germany: 10.10.2024

Sonja Köhne

Who is creative, now? Generative AI in Advertising
Netnography Conference - Netnocon 2024. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy: 29.05.2024 Further information

Georg von Richthofen

Oh mein Bot: Generative KI aus Perspektive der Beschäftigten
re:publica24. STATION Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 27.05.2024 Further information

Georg von Richthofen, Sonja Köhne


K.I. – Die letzte Revolution in der Arbeitswelt?
Engineering- und IT-Tagung 2024. Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge Hannover, Hannover, Germany: 13.09.2024 Further information

Sonja Köhne


 Duration: 01.04.2024 bis 30.09.2026
 Funding: German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs


Georg von Richthofen, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society


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