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Articles from the category: Policy & Law

Packaging and scholarship – a summary of Zuboff’s talk during the Making Sense of the Digital Society lecture series.

Is the following information relevant to you?: Tech companies collect and sell your data to business consumers, in some cases since the early 2000s. Strategies developed from analysis “nudge” your…

Internet in Danger | HIIG

Let‘s build a better internet. An Internet powered by the people and for the people.

How the world can band together to tackle the big questions of the age of digital interdependence, argue Matthias C. Kettemann, Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Max Senges. UN Secretary-General António Guterres…

Kid expressing itself

TikTok, a kaleidoscope of visuals, data and legal questions

Are social media platforms empowering people to connect beyond borders or are they the custodians of digital communication spaces where users have to comply with strict content moderation rules? The…

Online content regulation in Brazil faces risk of setback

In Brazil, the operative intermediary liability system risks being invalidated, as the country’s Supreme Court should rule on its constitutionality this week. Associated HIIG researcher Clara Iglesias Keller argues that,…

Birds view of "resist" written by people gathering on a beach

Critical Voices, Visions and Vectors for Internet Governance

The Internet has changed our world. But has it also irritated hierarchical power structures and given a meaningful voice to all? Are offline differentials in terms of access to individual…

Democracy democratises innovation | HIIG

Busted: The internet democratises innovation

Online, it is a common belief that the internet due to its easily accessible information has an enabling effect on innovation – making anybody a potential innovator. Alina Wernick takes…