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Articles from the category: Policy & Law

More important than ever! Social Platform Governance during and after the 2020 US Presidential Election

The 2020 US Presidential Election has shown that practices of social platform governance and content moderation decisions are more crucial than ever. While the transparency of these algorithmic systems remains low, they might crucially affect public opinion formation of the electorate and need to be therefore more accessible and better understood by researchers and policymakers.

Security in Cyberspace: Workshop Insights

Analysing security in cyberspace can encompass a variety of topics. The workshop under scrutiny touched upon some of them, providing valuable insights for society and, ultimately, relevant ideas for building up better relationships among “cyber-actors”.

Same same but (not so) different

Anonymization is advertised as a solution for privacy concerns, while machine learning is portrayed as dangerous and evil – but those operations have more in common than widely assumed. We want to find out what, and more importantly, why that is.

Don’t break up Facebook, make it more transparent

The fever pitch over Big Tech’s market dominance culminated with a contentious US Congressional hearing a few months ago. While Google, Apple and Amazon may require new onerous regulation, Facebook’s just desserts are something it fears more than divesting itself from its strategic purchases or having to jump through insane regulatory hoops: mandated transparency.

Making Technology Great Again: How to Use Ethics to Save Digitalisation

Can your refrigerator order milk for you but refuse to give you a second ice cream? Should your self-driven car drive with you into a tree instead of over a…

European AI and IoT – First roundtable in cooperation with the Represenation of the European Commission in Germany

The first Roundtable of HIIG’s AI & Society Lab hosted in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Germany was our kick-off for an exchange on European AI…