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Articles from the category: Policy & Law

Social Media Councils can help to force digital platforms into responsibilty

Social Media Councils: An effective means of holding digital platforms accountable?

Social Media Councils may align public values with platform governance if platform economic incentives are taken into account.

Is the new EU directive for sustainability in AI a toothless paper tiger or a sharp and hungry lion?

A lion for sustainable AI: How to support a new standard for sustainability reporting?

The Sustainability of AI is missing proper standards. The EU’s CSRD is a reporting tool that might be a new directive. But is it a toothless paper tiger or a sharp lion?

Man sieht die afrikanischen Kontinent auf einem Datenchip eingraviert / One sees the African continent engraved on a data chip

Towards an African Narrative on Digital Sovereignty

How can an African perspective help us reframe our view of digital sovereignty? We shed light on economic independence in the digital economy and how states need to become aware of it.

Titelbild für den Blogbeitrag. Zu sehen ist ein Publikum von hinten fotografiert. Sie hören einem Vortrag zu.

Ethics of digitalisation: dialogue, participation & visions

What visions do we need to implement so that an ethics-led digitalisation of our society works for everyone? We take stock.

Wahlkompass Digitales 2021

Lack of digital policy in the truel of the chancellor candidates – An emancipation of the electorate

nsights into the projects in the field of digital policy are not yet available in the truels. However, if you would like to find out more, you have come to the right place: Three researchers from HIIG and HBI write about their opinions on digital policy and refer to the Digital Electoral Compass. It gives journalists and voters the opportunity to get an idea of the situation for themselves. 

With Open Mind and Open Source – the democratic potential of public good-oriented AI

Dr. Theresa Züger talks to Patricia Leu from Prototype Fund about the Public Interest AI project and the democratic potential of AI for the common good.