Maximilian Lukat
Maximilian Lukat joined the research programme Data, actors, infrastructures: The Governance of data-driven innovation and cyber security in October 2023. As part of the SID – Sicher im Datenverkehr project, he is investigating subjective risk perceptions of internet users in the context of personalised advertising and personalisation on the internet.
Maximilian studied educational science, philosophy and sociology at the University of Paderborn. There, he specialised in sociology of work and economic sociology in his Master’s degree and conducted research in the area of the transformation of work and co-determination through digital platform companies.
Throughout his studies, Maximilian worked as a research assistant at the Sociology Department of the University of Paderborn and at the St. Johannisstift Campus for Healthcare and Social Professions as an assistant for e-learning.
- Politics & law · Science & education
Safe in data traffic: Everyday illustration of fundamental rights at risk
Das Projekt erarbeitet Strategien, um das Wissenschaftssystem widerstandsfähiger gegen Hassrede & Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit zu machen.
Other publications
Maximilian Lukat (2024). There’s no one following me around the supermarket. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Soziotechnische Praktiken in infrastrukturellen Kontexten9. Jahrestagung der Plattform Privatheit: Freiheit in digitalen Infrastrukturen. Plattform Privatheit. Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany: 17.10.2024 Further information
Maximilian Lukat
Organisation of events
Statustreffen mit dem Projektträger11.12.2024. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National)
Maximilian Lukat, Jörg Pohle
Workshop mit dem Beirat des SID-Projekts15.10.2024. nexus Institut für Kooperationsmanagement und interdisziplinäre Forschung, Berlin, Germany (National)
Johanna Spiegl, Maximilian Lukat, Jörg Pohle
Digitaler Salon: Gekommen, um zu regeln28.02.2024. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Maximilian Lukat, Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz
XVIth Interdisciplinary Workshop "Privacy, Data Protection & Surveillance"12.12.2023. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, online (International) Further information
Maximilian Lukat, Jörg Pohle
Kick-off-Workshop des SID-Projekts11.12.2023. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: nexus (National)
Maximilian Lukat, Jörg Pohle

Researcher: Data, actors, infrastructures