Martina Weifenbach, Dr.
Dr. Martina Weifenbach is a pioneer in linking Digital Innovation, New Work and Mindfulness. Through her doctoral studies at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (HIIG) in Berlin, at the University of St. Gallen and at UC Berkeley on digital business model innovation of startups and established companies, she has developed a scientific cognition model for the design of change processes. Neuroscience complements her approach with the human consciousness perspective. This is becoming increasingly important for understanding the changes in the world of work and accompanying them in a meaning- and value-oriented way, without reducing the changes to blanket solutions.
Dr. Weifenbach is author of “Mindfulness and Innovation in Integrated Organizations”, executive coach and managing director of myndway. In her current research, she looks at mindfulness from neuroscientific and organizational perspectives. As an internationally trained yoga and mindfulness teacher, she is now leading the way in bringing together her digital expertise with accessible learning formats for employees*, teams and leaders around mindfulness, agile working and sustainable digitalization.
myndway represents Dr. Weifenbach’s holistic transformation approach in sustainable development and training concepts. The goal of is to bring mindfulness and agility into companies. In this context, myndway and Dr. Weifenbach have already worked with companies such as Siemens, Google, Helvetia.
As a speaker and consultant, Dr. Weifenbach carries her vision of humane and successful companies into the world.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Schmeiss, J. & Dopfer, M., (2017). Digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Strategien der digitalen Transformation. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, 8. Publication details
Dopfer, M., Fallahi, S., Kirchberger, M., & Gassmann, O. (2017). Adapt and strive — How ventures under resource constraints create value through business model adaptations. Creativity and Innovation Management, 26(3), 233–246. Publication details
Dopfer, M., Grafenstein v., M., Richter, N., Schildhauer, T., Tech, R., Trifonov, S., & Wrobel, M. (2015). Fördernde und Hindernde Faktoren Für Internet-Enabled Startups (Supporting and Hindering Factors for Internet-Enabled Startups). HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2015(06). Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Dopfer, M. (2018). Why Business Model Innovation Matters to Startups. In P. Jackson, N. Richter, T. Schildhauer (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership. Preparing for a Digital Future. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G., Ferdinand, J.-P., & Dopfer, M. (2016). Open source hardware startups and their communities. In J.-P. Ferdinand; U., Petschow, & S. Dickel (Eds.), The Decentralized and Networked Future of Value Creation (pp. 129-145). Heidelberg: Springer. Publication details
Sauer, R., Dopfer, M., Schmeiss, J., & Gassmann, O. (2016). Geschäftsmodell als Gral der Digitalisierung. In O. Gassmann & P. Sutter, Digitale Transformation im Unternehmen gestalten (pp. 15-26). München, Deutschland: Hanser Verlag. Publication details
Working paper
Dopfer, M. (2017). Pick and choose: A venture’s cognitive toolbox to business model innovation. HIIG Discussion Paper Series. Publication details
Dopfer M., Grafenstein, M. v., Richter, N., Schildhauer, T., Tech, R. P. G., Trifonov, S., Wrobel, M. (2015). Fördernde Und Hindernde Faktoren Für Internet-Enabled Startups. (Supporting and Hindering Factors for Internet-Enabled Startups.). HIIG Discussion Paper Series. Publication details
Other publications
Dopfer, M. (2017). Open Innovation als Chance für neue Inkubations- und Kollaborationsmodelle. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Dopfer, M., Weitzl, V. (2017). Die Entwicklung von Open Source und die Disruption der Hardware-Industrie. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Dopfer, M. (2017). How do early ventures develop their business models. Doctoral Dissertation, University of St. Gallen.. Publication details
Dopfer, M. (2015). Roundtable ‘VCs X Startups’ am HIIG. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Dopfer M. (2014). Be a unicorn. Pitch your business model and show your capability for innovation. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Dopfer M. (2014). Let’s invent cars not just faster horses. Why moving within our network sometimes limits your horizon. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Mindfulness in the innovative firmVND Verlag Innovation Journey. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany: 23.08.2017
Martina Dopfer
Entrepreneurship and Business Models within ITSecUnity - Summer School IT Security. TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany: 10.08.2017
Martina Dopfer
Making the customer king - A qualitative study on customer centric business model innovation of SMEsSPIM Innovation Conference 2017. ISPIM, Vienna, Austria: 19.06.2017
Jessica Schmeiss, Martina Dopfer
From dinosaurs to business model mastermindsSMS Special Conference 2017. Strategic Management Society, Banff, Canada: 04.06.2017
Jessica Schmeiss, Martina Dopfer, Roman Sauer
Becoming an innovation mastermind: Entrepreneurial capabilities of small business managersBusiness Model Conference 2017. Ca’Foscari University, Venice, Italy: 18.05.2017
Jessica Schmeiss, Martina Dopfer
How do early stage startups develop their business modelsDisputation of dissertation. St Gallen University, St Gallen, Switzerland: 22.02.2017
Martina Dopfer
Wie Achtsamkeit die Innovation fördertdeGut - deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage. Deutsche Gründer-und Unternehmertage. ARENA Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 08.10.2016
Martina Dopfer
Business Model Development as a Cognitive CapabilityStrategic Management Conference. Strategic Management Society. InterContinental, Berlin, Germany: 20.09.2016
Martina Dopfer
The Mindful FirmLange Nacht der Startups. Telekom, IHK. IHK, Berlin, Germany: 03.09.2016
Martina Dopfer
Startup business model development: A cognitive capabilityISPIM Annual Conference 2016. ISPIM, Porto, Portugal: 19.06.2016
Martina Dopfer, Markus Kirchberger, & Sara Fallahi
Widening the Entrepreneur’s Horizon: How the Entrepreneurial Agent shapes his Business Modelling ProcessDRUID Conference 2016. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark: 13.06.2016
Martina Dopfer, Roman Sauer
Startup Business Model Adaptations based on limited ResourcesEURAM Conference 2016. EURAM, Paris, Frankreich: 01.06.2016
Martina Dopfer, Markus Kirchberger, & Sara Fallahi
Chancen wagen durch die digitale TransformationdeGut - deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage (Session: Chancen wagen druch die digitale Transformation). IBB. Hangar 7 - Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany: 09.10.2015
Martina Dopfer
Gründe ein digitales UnternehmendeGut - deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage. IBB. Hangar 7 - Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany: 09.10.2015
Martina Dopfer
FEMALE TECH PANEL - WE CAN DO IT!Lange Nacht der Startups (Session: Female Tech Panel - We can do IT!). DT Telekom, IHK. IHK Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 04.09.2015
Martina Dopfer
How the cognition of the entrepreneurial agent shapes a startup's business model developmentR&D Management Conference. Istituto di Management. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Polo Piagge, Pisa, Italy: 25.06.2015
Martina Dopfer, Roman Sauer
Business Model Development in Technology Startups24TH EUROPEAN DOCTORAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (Session: G-Forum). KU Leuven Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation, Leuven, Belgien: 15.09.2014
Martina Dopfer
STG Seminar Qualitative Methoden. STG, Berlin, Germany: 05.05.2014Martina Dopfer
Showcase Accelerator: So können auch bestehende Firmen ihr Geschäftsmodell innovierenCross Industry Workshop. University of St. Gallen. BMI Lab, St. Gallen, Switzerland: 23.02.2014
Martina Dopfer
Moderation of workshops and panels
BMI Workshop Internet Policy Review. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. HIIG, Berlin, Germany: 15.09.2016Martina Dopfer
Business Model Innovation Workshop - Cross Industry. University of St. Gallen. BMI Lab, St. Gallen, Switzerland: 13.01.2014Martina Dopfer
Organisation of events
Disrupted: The unconventional discussion platform on open innovation and the future of the automotive industry along the supply chain13.09.2017. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Unversity St. Gallen (National)
Vivian Weitzl, Jessica Schmeiss, Martina Weifenbach, Thomas Schildhauer, Hendrik Send
Open! Plenary Meeting09.09.2017. University Grenoble, Grenoble, France (International)
Martina Weifenbach
The mindful firm25.11.2016. Kopenhagen Business School, Kopenhagen, Denmark (International)
Martina Weifenbach
d-werft Geschäftsmodell WorkshopFrom 12.01.2016 to 12.01.2016. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National)
Kerstin Bass, Urs Kind, Martina Weifenbach
Participation as expert
Vizions Zalando. Zalando, Berlin, Germany: 20.04.2017Dopfer, M.
Cube Tech FairZalando, Berlin, Germany: 10.05.2017Dopfer, M.
Media appearances
Offene Plattformen für neues Business (24.01.2018). return
Further information

Former Associated Researcher: Innovation & Entrepreneurship