Lies van Roessel
From 2014 to 2016, Lies conducted a study at the HIIG into imitation and innovation in the German games sector.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Loosen, W.; Häring, M.; Kurtanovic, Z.; Merten, M.; Reimer, J.; Roessel, L. van; Maalej, W. (2017). Making Sense of User Comments. Identifying Journalists’ Requirements for a Software Framework. Studies in Communication and Media (SCM), 6(4), 333-364. DOI: 10.5771/2192-4007-2017-4-333 Publication details
Katzenbach, C., Herweg, S., & van Roessel, L. (2016). Copies, Clones and Genre Building. Discourses on Imitation and Innovation in Digital Games. International Journal of Communication, 10, 838-859. Publication details
Roessel, L. van & Herweg, S. (2014). Van Pong tot Ridiculous Fishing: Over imitatie en innovatie binnen de gamesector. Homo Ludens, 2014, 1-6. Publication details
Other publications
Roessel, L. van (2014). Do Apple’s policies impede the growth of serious games? Internet Policy Review, 8. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Navigating the Grey Zone: Developers’ Views on Imitation and Inspiration in the Game Sector67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). San Diego, San Diego, USA: 25.05.2017
Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Playing without rules? An empirical study into imitation and innovation in the games industry.Monthly Internal Lecture Series 'Spreektafel'. Institute for Information Law (IViR). Oost-Indisch Huis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 22.01.2016
Lies van Roessel
Playing without Rules? Regulating Imitation and Innovation in the Games IndustryAnnual Conference: European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) (Session: Creativity, Re-Use and Copyright). University of Glasgow / CREATe. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK: 03.09.2015
Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
From Pong to Flappy Bird – Copying and Genre Building in the Games Industryre:publica 2015. Station, Berlin, Germany: 05.05.2015
Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
Innovation and Imitation in Game DevelopmentDigital Summit 2015. Magical Startups. Hotel W, Santiago de Chile, Chile: 14.01.2015
Lies van Roessel
Negotiating the Boundaries of Game Imitation: From Pong to Ridiculous FishingAnnual Conference: DiGRA 2014.. DiGRA / The University of Utah. Snowbird, Utah, USA: 06.08.2014
Sarah Herweg, Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
International Cultures of Creativity and ImitationDiGRA 2015: Diversity of Play. Leuphana Universität. Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany: 15.05.2015
Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Copies, Clones and Genre Building - Innovation and Imitation practices in the Games IndustryQuo Vadis 2015. Create. Game. Business.. International Games Week Berlin. Café Moskau, Berlin, Germany: 23.04.2015
Lies van Roessel, Henrike Maier, Christian Katzenbach
Moderation of workshops and panels
Pay per Pixel - Current Challenges for Audio-Visual Media: (Legal) Conditions and New Business ModelsEarly Stage Researcher Colloquium. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany: 09.10.2014
Henrike Maier, Lies van Roessel, Urs Kind, Maximilian von Grafenstein, Dr., Anett Göritz
Organisation of events
Innovation in der Gamesbranche - Zwischen Schutz und Freiheit09.06.2015. Game Science Center, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg (National)
Leontine Jenner, Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Save Game – Legal Challenges in Game Preservation22.04.2015. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), EFGAMP (International)
Henrike Maier, Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Media appearances
Radio Feature (16.06.2016). Deutschlandradio Kultur
Further information
Diebstahl, Inspiration und das juristische Bauchgefühl (16.06.2016). Richter.Fm
Further information
Geistiges Eigentum in der Videospiele-Kultur: Diebstahl, Inspiration und das juristische Bauchgefühl (16.06.2016). DRadio Kultur
Further information
Kampf der Spiele-Klonkrieger (08.05.2015). Frankfurter Allgemeine – Digital Twin, Das Netzweltblog
Further information
„Schlechte Klone zerstören die Marke“ (25.04.2015). ComputerBase
Further information

Former Researcher: The evolving digital society