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Articles from the category: Innovation & Work

Startup Law Clinic – Between Innovation and Law - Generic Image

Startup Law Clinic – Between Innovation and Law

There are various and sometimes surprising legal challenges that startup founders face. Often, founders do not have the specific legal know-how to estimate the importance of those challenges for the…

This is How We Will Be Watching TV in the Future – Challenges for TV in a Convergent Media World. - Generic Image

This is How We Will Be Watching TV in the Future – Challenges for TV in a Convergent Media World.

Thanks to the digitalisation and interconnection between various devices, we watch “TV” in the cloud today. This makes the so-called “multi-room viewing” possible and thus TV content can be accessed…

The other side of innovation platforms - Generic Image

The other side of innovation platforms

Innovation platforms such as jovoto or atizo are considered to be a source for harvesting innovative ideas among creative and dedicated users. The names for those user groups are manifold…

Startup Clinics: The “Human Resources and Management Clinic” - Generic Image

Startup Clinics: The “Human Resources and Management Clinic”

In human resources everything revolves around the most important and valuable asset any company can have, the employees. Gary Hamel, one of the world’s leading experts on management and business…

Startup Clinics: a new service for founders - Generic Image

Startup Clinics: a new service for founders

The Alexander-von-Humboldt-Institute for Internet and Society team in Berlin, in collaboration with Google for Entrepreneurs and The Factory, has recently started offering a new service for founders: Startup Clinics. What…

Marx, Engels, and 3D Printers - Generic Image

Marx, Engels, and 3D Printers

So, you require a spare part, a toy dinosaur for your daughter, or is it the new frame for your glasses? Why don’t you just print it? At your home….