Gert G. Wagner, Dr.
Gert G. Wagner is Research Associate of the HIIG and member of the “National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)”. From 1989-2011 Wagner was director of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), where he served on the Executive Board from 2011 to 2017. Since 2018 he is Senior Research Fellow in DIW Berlin, an since 2008 he is Max Planck Fellow at the MPI for Human Development in Berlin. From 2002-2018 he was Full Professor of Economics at the Berlin UNiversity of Technology (TUB), 1997-2002 Full Professor of Economics at Viadrina European University of Frankfurt (Oder) and 1992-97 Full Professor of Public Administration at Ruhr-University Bochum. In the academic years 2008 to 2010 Wagner taught as a fellow at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social studies in the University of Erfurt.
Wagner is chairman of The Social Advisory Council (Sozialbeirat) and he serves on the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs, on the Advisory Board to Statistics Germany and on the evaluation panel of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO).
Wagner was a member of the German Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat), an elected reviewer of German National Science Foundation (DFG), a member of the Methodolgy and Infrastructure Committees (MIC) of ESRC/UK. the Advisory Board to the British Household Panel study (BHPS) and the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), and of the user selection panel of the European Large Scale Facility European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences (ECASS), University of Essex. He was the first treasurer of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ).
Wagner was visiting professor at Cornell University, Syracuse University and American University, Washington, D.C., and a visiting scholar at numerous research institutes in Germany and the US. Since 2016 he is again a research fellow of IZA Bonn.
Among others, Wagner received grants under the European Framework Programs, from the German-American Academic Council, the National Institute on Aging (USA), G.I.F., Anlo-German Foundation (AFG), TESS (USA), and the German National Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
Wagner published papers in international journals such as Ageing & Society, Behavior Genetics, Behavior Research Methods, British Medical Journal, Developmental Psychology, Emotion, European Journal of Public Health, European Economic Review, Environmental Policy and Governance, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, International Journal of Epidemiology, International Migration Review, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journals of Gerontolgy, Journal of Official Statistics, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Public Economics, LIBER Quarterly, LIBREAS, Nature Genetics, PLoS one, Population and Development Review, PNAS, Psychology and Aging, Psychlogical Science, Scientific Reports and Survey Research Methods as well as Communication/Letters in Nature and Science.
In 2018 Gert G. Wagner received a honoris causa doctorate (Dr. rer. pol. h.c.) from the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne (Universitaet zu Koeln). In 2007 Wagner was awarded the “Knight’s Cross” of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Fecher,B., Kuper, F., Sokolovska, N., Fenton, A., Hornbostel, S., & Wagner, G.G. (2021). Understanding the Societal Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Remarks on Roles, Challenges, and Expectations. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6. DOI: 10.3389/frma.2021.696804 Publication details
Gross, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2019). Algorithmen können durch testen jederzeit transparent gemacht werden: der Gesetzgeber muss das nur wollen. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt). Publication details
Gerberding, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2019). Qualitätssicherung für „Predictive Analytics“ durch digitale Algorithmen. Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik, 4, 116-119. Publication details
Schwarzbauer, T. T., & Wagner, G. G. (2019). Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern? Eine Netzwerkanalyse von politikberatenden Wissenschaftlern. Wirtschaftsdienst, 99(4). Publication details
Friesike, S., Fecher, B., & Wagner, G.G. (2018). Teach young scientists the importance of societal impact for research. Nature - International journal of science. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-018-02066-2 Publication details
Mueller-Langer, F., Fecher, B., Harhoff, D., Wagner, G.G. (2018). Replication studies in economics—How many and which papers are chosen for replication, and why? Research Policy, 48(1), 62-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.07.019 Publication details
Gigerenzer, G., Rebitschek, F.G., Wagner, G.G. (2018). Eine vermessene Gesellschaft braucht Transparenz. Wirtschaftsdienst, 98(12), 860-866. Publication details
Rebitschek, F. G., Gigerenzer, G., & Wagner, G.G. (2017). Kritische Voraussetzungen für ein digitales Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland. Wirtschaftsdienst, 97(10), 699-703. DOI: 10.1007/s10273-017-2200-8 Publication details
Fecher, B., Fräßdorf, M., Hebing, M., & Wagner, G. G. (2017). Replikationen, Reputation und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 68(3). DOI: 10.1515/iwp-2017-0025 Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., Friesike, S., Wagner, G. (2019). Governance von Forschungsinfrastruktur am Beispiel von Open Access. In W. Bredemeier (Ed.), Informationswissenschaft. Hat die Informationswissenschaft eine Zukunft? (pp. 430-443). Berlin: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen. Publication details
Working paper
Neuberger, C., Weingart, P., Fähnrich, B., Fecher, B., Schäfer, M., Schmid-Petri, H., & Wagner, G. G. (2021). Der digitale Wandel der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW). Publication details
Other publications
Gerberding, J. & Wagner, G. G. (2019). Gesetze für den Blick in die Glaskugel. F.A.Z. Einspruch. Publication details
Zehlike, M. & Wagner, G. G. (2019). Unfair. Süddeutsche Zeitung. Publication details
Wagner, G. G. & Zehlike, M. (2019). Künstliche Intelligenz verhindert Diskriminierung? Muss nicht – kann aber. DIW Wochenbericht. Publication details
Keitel, A., Sommer, S, Wagner, G. G. (2019). Verhaltensbasierte Versicherungstarife – Viele Kunden profitieren nicht. Der Tagesspiegel. Publication details
Kenning, P., Wagner, G. G. (2019). Die knifflige Sache mit dem Feilschen. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Publication details
Fecher, B., Wagner, G. W. & Friesike, S. (2019). Bedeutung ist keine Klickzahl. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17.07.2019. Publication details
Gigerenzer, G., Müller, K.R. & Wagner, G.G. (2018). Wie man Licht in die Black Box wirft. Publication details
Rebitschek, F. G., Gigerenzer, G. & Wagner, G.G. (2018). Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. Denken hilft der Gesundheit., 12. Publication details
Fricke, C., Meyer, S., Wagner, G.G. (2018). In Grenzen akzeptabel. Publication details
Media appearances
Bedeutung ist keine Klickzahl (18.07.2019). Frankfurter Allgemeine
Further information
Bedeutung ist keine Klickzahl (17.07.2019). Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Unfair (06.05.2019). Süddeutsche Zeitung
Algorithmen gegen Diskriminierung (22.05.2019). Gegenblende
Further information
Die knifflige Sache mit dem Feilschen (24.03.2019). Frankfurter Allgemeine
Further information
Ökonom Wagner: Scoring würde in Deutschland nicht akzeptiert (15.03.2019). Allgemeine Zeitung
In Grenzen akzeptabel (02.07.2018). der Freitag
Further information
eLetter: Free Agents (05.05.2018). Science
Further information
Denken hilft der Gesundheit (29.05.2018). taz

Former Associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society