Francesca Palmiotto, Dr.
Dr. Francesca Palmiotto is a postdoctoral researcher at Hertie School‘s Centre for Fundamental Rights working in the project AFAR: Algorithmic Fairness for Asylum Seekers and Refugees funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Francesca is the co-founder and editor of the blog DigiCon (The Digital Constitutionalist). Her research interests are related more broadly to law and tech, with a specific focus on the procedural fairness of automated decisions and evidence. Her PhD thesis is entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the transformation of criminal trials in Europe”.
She graduated magna cum laude from the Law Faculty University of Turin and obtained an LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Laws from the EUI. Notwithstanding her legal education, her interests and expertise are not confined to law. She attended a superior graduate school in 2018 with a thesis on “Mathematical Models Applied to Electoral Systems”. Moreover, she has a basic knowledge of coding. She is currently involved in CLAUDETTE, an interdisciplinary research project hosted at the EUI that aims to develop machine learning software for consumer and data protection law enforcement, as well as in the project “Un-owned Data” at the Robert Schuman Centre.

Former Fellow: The Evolving Digital Society