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Articles from the category: Everyday life

Konfuzius im 3. Jahrtausend: Chinas „Social Credit System“ als Turbo zur Selbstvervollkommnung?

Ein Interview mit dem China-Bildungsexperten Jürgen Henze The social credit system in China: What looks like a dystopia in Germany, in contrast, is treated as an utopia in China. In…

Demystifying AI: Learnings for middle-sized Companys

Which solutions offers AI “Made in Germany”? What role do startups play as drivers of innovative ideas and business models? Jessica Schmeiss and Nicolas Friederici answer these questions in the…

Packaging and scholarship – a summary of Zuboff’s talk during the Making Sense of the Digital Society lecture series.

Is the following information relevant to you?: Tech companies collect and sell your data to business consumers, in some cases since the early 2000s. Strategies developed from analysis “nudge” your…

Social Purpose Organisations and Digitalisation: Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Transformation

Organisations pursuing social and or environmental goals are different from corporations. Rather than maximising on profits, they pursue multiple social, environmental, and economic goals simultaneously. They marshal local, underused resources…

Speech in the digital age | HIIG

What is ‘correct’ language in digital society? From Gutenberg to Alexa Galaxy

How do notions of ‘right’ language change in the context of digital communication? Britta Schneider examines changing notions and practices of ‘correct’ language, with an ambivalent role for digital communication…

Internet in Danger | HIIG

Let‘s build a better internet. An Internet powered by the people and for the people.

How the world can band together to tackle the big questions of the age of digital interdependence, argue Matthias C. Kettemann, Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Max Senges. UN Secretary-General António Guterres…