Making sense of our connected world
AI at the microphone: The voice of the future?
From synthesising voices and generating entire episodes, AI is transforming digital audio. Explore the opportunities and challenges of AI at the microphone.
Do Community Notes have a party preference?
This article explores whether Community Notes effectively combat disinformation or mirror political biases, analysing distribution and rating patterns.
There’s no one following me around the supermarket
In the public debate about personalisation there are many misconceptions. The SID project studies user perceptions to develop new approaches.
No Smartphone = Cringe Weirdo
In this blog post, author Jascha Bareis shares his experiences since getting his first smartphone just this year.
Navigating the urban maze: GIS technology and the blurring boundaries between digital and physical infrastructure
The progression of GIS technology and Geodata questions if digital maps should be regarded as physical public infrastructure.
Disinformation: Are we really overestimating ourselves?
How aware are we of the effects and the reach of disinformation online and does the public discourse provide a balanced picture?
Digital Ethics
Whether civil society, politics or science – everyone seems to agree that the New Twenties will be characterised by digitalisation. But what about the tension of digital ethics? How do we create a digital transformation involving society as a whole, including people who either do not have the financial means or the necessary know-how to benefit from digitalisation? And what do these comprehensive changes in our actions mean for democracy? In this dossier we want to address these questions and offer food for thought on how we can use digitalisation for the common good.