Challenges and opportunities for law and public administration in the digital age | Workshop
This seminar is organised by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and the Law School, University of Chile. It is part of Fondecyt Postdoctoral Research Project N° 3130479 (Principal Researcher: Dr. Salvador Millaleo).
Challenges and opportunties for law and public administration in the digital age
Friday, 16 January 2015 | 9:30 – 19:30
Video Conference Auditorium, Law School, University of Chile
Santa Maria 076, 6th Floor.
About the Event
The objective of the Seminar is to bring together relevant actors in a Technical-Academic dialogue about the digital modernization of the state and public administration in Chile. Mainly technical challenges and structural administrative barriers will be discussed, as well as the latest regulatory trends. The question that will inspire conversation and debate, is how the goal of having a public administration capable of harnessing the state of the art in information technology and communication (ICT) is to be achieved. We will also ask about the role of political and legal contexts in the formation of a “Digital Public Administration” which can meet the expectations of participation and interaction with citizens.
A first approach aims to point at the transformation of the political and legal structures, by virtue of the adoption of ICT technologies. For example, what are the conditions and implications of such figures as “one-stop-shop”, or the use of the “shaping function” of the public administration (gestaltende Verwaltung) to build capacity and innovate from within.
A second approach is devoted to “think” about technology from a future perspective, in order to discern trends and social needs that can be served by ICT.
The seminar will reflect on the connections and interdependencies of the two approaches, so as to serve as a basis of discussion for the development of academy and public policy.
The workshop will take place within a day, and will consist of brief presentations of current processes and cases of administrative modernization. For this, programs of expert institutions that are currently running have been chosen. These presentations will be followed by expert discussions. There will be a moderator, who will collect the main views and suggestions from the experts.
09:30 – 09:50 | Welcome and Opening |
09:50 – 11:50 | 1) Global Connections: a) Regional projection of Chile: Speakers: Economic Ministery: Raúl Arrieta, Foreign Relation Ministery: Gabriel Rodriguez (Ana Maria Troncoso), evtl. Direcon: (Contacto M. Fernandez). b) Global Context: Speakers: Edgar Witt (HP), Nicolas Chiappara (Cisco, Public Administration LATAM), Pedro Pablo Lazo (Telefónica) |
11:50 – 12:00 | Coffee Break |
12:00 – 13:30 | 2) Internet Government (iG): Case Studies. a) E-Health: Semantic interoperability and management of patient data (MINSAL Project): Speakers: Alejandra Lozano (MINSAL), Lorena Donoso (Uchile) b) Modernización del Estado: Speakers: Juan Jose Soto (SegPres) c) Analytical Trends for Public Administration & Digital Era Governance: Speakers: Osvaldo Saldías (HIIG) d) Transparency: Speakers: María José Poblete (Pro Acceso) |
15:00 – 16:30 | 3) Free Open Source Software and Open Standards in the State a) Open Standards and Open Access Policies: Speakers: Claudio Ruiz (NGO DD), David Pineda (CLUCH) b) Policies for Software and Technology Use in Public Procurements: Speakers: Representant Vlado Mirosevic (Chilean National Congress), Andrés Ruiz (Chile Compra: Chilean Public Procurements) c) State and Public Software: Speakers: Representant of Government Informatic Comunity (Comunidad informática Gubernamental): Carla Saldías |
16:30 – 18:30 | 4) E-Justice: a) Virtual Plenary: Speakers:vGilmar Mendes (STJ Brazil) b) Electronic Mediation: Speakers:vMargarita Valdés (Nic Chile) c) Digitization of Judiciary: Speakers: Constanza Collarte (Dir. Estudios Corte Suprema), Carolina Canelo (Uchile), Leandro Campillay (Min.Justicia). d) Court Access through the Internet. A call for comparison. Speakers: Rüdiger Schwarz (HIIG) |
18:30 – 19:30 | 5) Electronics Participation in the State and in Constitutional Deliberation: a) Electronic Participation in Public Administration: Speakers: Patricia Peña (ICEI), Ignacio Iriarte (Municipalidad de Stgo). b) Constitucional Discussion and Social Media: Speakers: Francisco Soto (UChile) & Salvador Millaleo (UChile) |
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