Platform Entrepreneurship & Society – Lunch Talk
Platform Entrepreneurship & Society
Lunch Talk with Inge Graef, Jovana Karanović, and
Christian Fieseler
Monday, 27 Sept 2021 | 1 pm (CEST) | Zoom
Platform Capitalism is fundamentally interlinked with society. In this third lunch talk we will explore what alternative ways platform entrepreneurship can take to be competitive and yet sustainable at the same time. Inge Graef will talk about regulatory responses to platform power, with a focus on how platforms are balancing key public and societal interests that used to be the responsibility of legislators or regulators. Jovana Karanović places the focus on platform coops, their anticipated potential and the upward battle within economic realities. Finally, Christian Fieseler will discuss community perceptions of, and adaptation strategies to, such governance mechanisms within creative labour platforms, that range from the ingenious to the self-defeating.
Inge Graef is Associate Professor of Competition Law at Tilburg University, Netherlands. She is also affiliated to the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), and the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC). She regularly advises on new legislative and policy initiatives on the regulation of digital services, innovation and data. Her expertise and research focus on competition law, platform regulation, and the governance of data-driven innovation.
Jovana Karanović is Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management (Business Information Management section) at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She is also the founder and managing director of the Reshaping Work Initiative – a place to jointly discuss the future of work across different stakeholders and to find ways to shape it. Her research focuses on digital innovation, sustainable platform entrepreneurship, and platform cooperatives.
Christian Fieseler is Professor for Communication Management at BI Norwegian Business School and the founding director of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and Stanford University, before joining BI, in 2014. Cristian’s research interests centre on organizational identity, corporate social responsibility and computer-mediated communication.
Dr. Nicolas Friederici is Senior Researcher and Lead of the project Platform Alternatives, conducted by the Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society in Berlin and the Oxford Internet Institute. His work addresses how the economic opportunities of digital technologies unfold unevenly across the world, focusing on three research streams: platform entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship in Africa, and small business digitalization. Before HIIG, Nicolas was a Fulbright, Clarendon and Skoll Centre scholar, and completed his doctoral degree at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Lunch Talk Series: The Future of Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation Research
The Lunch Talk series consists of four talks spread over 2021. Our aim is to come together for an inspiring digital lunch break and to exchange ideas about the future of digital entrepreneurship & innovation research.
To participate in the event, please register using the form below. You will receive the Zoom login details for the on the day of the event.
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