Lunch Talk | AI, Predictive Modeling and Sustainability
The Lunch Talk will take place on 23 May 2022 at 12:30 CET. The speakers, Dr Misael Sebastián Gradilla-Hernández and Dr Martin Esteban González López, will provide thematic insights into AI-based approaches to solving sustainability challenges. Christian Grauvogel will moderate the event. This is an in-person as well as online event, which will be held in English. Our aim is to come together and exchange ideas in an inspiring digital lunch break.
AI, Predictive Modeling and Sustainability
Dr. Misael Sebastián Gradilla-Hernández & Dr. Martin Esteban González López
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 | 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm (CET)
Online & Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Französische Str. 9, 10117 Berlin
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can contribute to the efforts to tackle great societal challenges such as climate change and environmental pollution. In this lunch talk we take a closer look at two best-practice cases from Mexico, where AI and predictive modeling is used to monitor and improve water quality. Misael Sebastián Gradilla Hernández will present the development of an innovative water quality index for the Santiago River in Mexico that incorporates redundancy analysis and machine learning approaches. Martín Esteban González López will share his experience on the development of a predictive model for real time water quality management with the help of simple sensors and monitoring devices.
Moreover, the project aims to use AI tools to facilitate the communication of science to the general public, including citizen-science approaches for water quality monitoring. By making science more accessible and understandable, the project was able to engage and empower local communities to take a more active role in monitoring and protecting their local water sources.
Dr. Misael Sebastián Gradilla-Hernández, is a research professor in Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara since 2011. He holds a Doctorate in biotechnological innovation from CIATEJ and in management from the University of Guadalajara, with a focus on environmental management and sustainability. Dr. Gradilla-Hernández specializes in the monitoring and assessment of surface water sources and in biotechnological strategies for the treatment of wastewater and solid waste. He has published 40 articles in high-prestige international journals, with research collaborations in areas related to environmental conservation.
Dr. Martin Esteban Gonzalez Lopez, is a chemical engineer and works as a postdoctoral researcher at Tecnológico de Monterrey in the Sustainability and Climate Change Laboratory. Dr. Gonzalez’s research interests include the sustainable use of lignocellulosic waste to produce biodegradable materials and environmental remediation applications in water treatment. He has published 25 articles in high-prestige international journals, with research collaborations in areas related to environmental conservation.
Christian Grauvogel is the Head of Dialogue and Knowledge Transfer at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), and the Project Coordinator in the research and transfer project Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation (SET).
Lunch Talk Series
In our Lunch Talk Series, we explore cutting edge research at the intersection of digitalization and society that is also highly relevant for practice and policy. Topics include grand challenges, sustainability, responsible platforms, AI and the knowledge society. Our aim is to bring researchers and practitioners with a mutual interest on these topics together, exchange ideas, and make research more visible, applicable and impactful.
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