How to organize Edtech at the University
To share insights on the future of digital teaching, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and FernUniversität in Hagen kindly invite you to our lunchtime event, to learn more about our new Practitioners’ Field Guide for Implementing educational technology (edtech) at universities. University managers and administrators, teachers, as well as technical staff, are encouraged to attend the event and gain insight into the challenges of incorporating technology into the classroom.
“How to organize Edtech at the University”
Hosted by Alexander von Humboldt Institut for Internet and Society
May 12 2023 | 11am – 12pm |at HIIG
Französische Straße 9, 10117 Berlin
In life, there is no digital switch. Digitalisation is transforming our society and higher education institutions. The Practitioners’ Field Guide for Implementing Educational Technology is an online resource that provides research-based recommendations for practitioners implementing Edtech. It equips readers with case study examples, discussion guides and checklists. In the guide, we unpack the role university leaders play in fostering engagement with Edtech, talk about the importance of trust and freedom for innovation and explore teachers’ motivation and resistance to use technology, and reflect on what is needed to build a sound infrastructure for Edtech.
Melissa Laufer is a senior researcher in the research program “Knowledge & Society” and leads the research project “Organizational Adaptivity in the German Higher Education Context” (OrA).
Freia Kuper is a researcher in the research project Organisational Adaptivity in the German Higher Education Context (OrA) within the research programme “Knowledge and Society”, where she works on digitalisation in higher education.
We are looking forward to discussing the future of digital teaching and learning and the possibilities of educational technology. Invite-only event.
The OrA Project
The Organizational Adaptivity in the German Higher Education Context (OrA) project investigates the organizational factors that hinder and foster the adoption of educational technology in higher education institutions. OrA is a cooperation project between the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and the FernUniversität in Hagen, CATALPA – Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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