Citizens, give us your problems! How to Open Data without giving it away
As part of this year’s Berlin Science Week, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society are organizing a joint event on “Sustainable Digitalisation in Urban Areas”.
The first part of the event consists of three virtual parallel workshops. The HIIG is proud to host the online workshop: “Citizens, give us your problems! How to Open Data without giving it away.”
Online Workshop – How to Open Data without giving it away.
03.11.2020 | Zoom | 3.00pm – 5.30pm
The increasing digitization of all aspects of human life has led to an avalanche of data that is collected, stored and processed. Analyzing this data would certainly promote a better understanding of society and help tackle some of the world’s most pressing societal challenges. Unfortunately, most of this data wealth is locked away in the data silos of public and private institutions and simply not accessible. How can we make this data usable for scientific purposes and for the general good of the society and still take legal, ethical, economic or organizational challenges and legitimate interest of all stakeholders into account?
We need your help! What societal problem do you think could be solved if only more data would be available? Where would we need to take it from and how?
Join us for a workshop, where we will be working in teams to find the most creative problem with the most straightforward solution.
Dr. Sonja Schimmler | Weizenbaum Institute / Fraunhofer FOKUS | “Open Science and Research Data Infrastructures”
Dr. Luiza Bengtsson | HIIG / MDC | “Citizen Science”
Prof. Emmanuel Baccelli | ECDF/ FU Berlin | “Open and Secure IoT Ecosystem”
Dr. Jörg Pohle | HIIG | “Open Data and Data Sharing Challenges”
Prof. Max von Grafenstein | ECDF / HIIG / UdK | „Governance of Data-Driven Innovation“
The experts give input on technical, ethical and governance problems associated with data analyses on data locked away in the data silos of public and private institutions or collected by personal devices. We then work in teams to find the most creative problem with the most straightforward solution.
You’ll learn more about legal, ethical and technical issues surrounding open data, while helping us to refine our research agenda on Data & Society Interface.
15:00 Introductions
15:25 Inputs from experts
15:55 Finding problems
16:20 Solving problems: Future’s Search World Cafe
17:00 Presentations and discussion
17:30 Wrap up & The End
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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