General Online Research Conference 2015
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) is partner of the annual General Online Research Conference 2015 (GOR15) organized by the German Society for Online Research. The HIIG is responsible for Track B which covers research in the area of Internet and Society.
Germany’s most influential online research conference
The General Online Research Conference is annually organized by the German Society for Online Research with a local partner. In 2015 the GOR conference will take place in Cologne with the Cologne University of Applied Sciences being the local organizer.
Join us from 18 to 20 March 2014 in Cologne for a friendly, valuable and inspiring event which is a must for everyone involved in online research: the 17th General Online Research Conference! Meet like-minded people and get to know the latest trends in online research.
Call for Papers
Find the Call for Papers here.
Hosts and Co-Hosts
The Conference is hosted by the German Society for Online Research in cooperation with the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. The German online platform Marktforschung.de and the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society will be programme partners.
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
Be the first to learn about our new events and exciting research results.