Formal Methods Meet Privacy – Lunch talk with Sibylle Schupp
Lunch talk with Sibylle Schupp
Formal Methods Meet <Privacy>
Wednesday, 10 October 2018 · 1 pm · HIIG Kitchen
Formal methods are methods from computer science that provide rigorous assessments of the workings of a system. By Bill Gates once called ”the Holy Grail of computer science”, formal methods are applied to a variety of quality parameters ranging from safety to performance. An important driver for further development of the field remain practical problems. Collaborations on safety-critical systems in the engineering domain, for example, have led to new logics and algorithms that now allow for qualitatively or quantitatively refined assessments. Comparatively few collaborations, however, exist with social scientists even though access to personal data long has been acknowledged as critical as well. The talk illustrates the application of formal methods to privacy issues using examples from the project ”Internet Governance Technologies”, an interdisciplinary project of economists, ethicists, jurists, and computer scientists (joint work with Robin Adams, Kai Bavendiek, Jan Kaiser, Jonas Scholl, Wolfgang Schulz, Florian Wittner).
Sibylle Schupp is an Associate Researcher at HIIG. Her focus is on privacy issues, in particular on new methods for formal reasoning about privacy properties and on innovative forms of software support for the design of privacy-preserving applications. Since 2009 Sibylle Schupp is a full professor for computer science at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and head of the Institute for Software System.
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