Facebook Forum: Community Standards
On the evening of May 17th Facebook invites to a discussion event about its community standards at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. The event will be held in English. Please register in advance via following registration form.
With this event, the company Facebook seeks an open dialogue with people who use Facebook. People often ask how Facebook decides which content is allowed on Facebook and which is not. That is why the company has been defining community standards for many years, which apply worldwide. When content is reported that may violate Facebook standards, internal guidelines are applied to implement Community standards and make a decision.
Last month, Facebook published internal guidelines to enforce community standards. In order to further develop the community standards, the event series Facebook Forum: Community standards was established. In this format, Facebook wants to discuss the guidelines with people on Facebook, experts and civil society organisations and explore ways to improve them. The event takes place at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. The panel discussion with Jeanette Hofmann, Research Director at HIIG, Monika Bickert (Global Policy Management on Facebook) and Christian Mihr (Managing Director of Reporters Without Borders) starts at 6:30 pm.
Facebook Forum: Community Standards
17 May 2018 | 6.30 pm | doors open: 6 pm | HIIG | Französische Straße 9 | 10117 Berlin
- Monika Bickert (Global Policy Management at Facebook)
- Prof. Jeanette Hofmann (Research Director at HIIG)
- Christian Mihr (Director at Reporter ohne Grenzen)
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