Carola Westermeier: Money as a digital technology
The event will be held in German and simultaneously interpreted into English. In addition, the lecture will be broadcast live from 6 pm. The recorded video will be uploaded to this website a few days after the event.
From contactless payments to mobile wallets and cryptocurrencies, the way we handle money is becoming increasingly digital. As monetary systems fundamentally shape social relationships and the organisation of modern societies, the differing modes of transacting digital money alter these relations. Everyday transactions are processed on platforms provided by Tech Giants instead of banks, raising concerns about data privacy and market dominance. Digital money is increasingly recognised as a technology that can be innovated and enhanced. As a reaction, central banks around the world develop their own new forms of digital money to counter attempts by Tech Giants to issue their own currencies with potentially global reach. Central Bank Digital Currencies, such as the digital euro, link monetary sovereignty to issues of digital autonomy and aim to provide a (public) infrastructure for financial relations in light of increasing geoeconomic tensions.
Analysing money as a technology thus shifts our attention towards new questions: Which relations are technologically enhanced, which are excluded? How is the data generated by digital financial transactions handled and how are they stored? Who has the ability to enable and sanction (international) payment transactions?
Carola Westermeier: Money as a digital technology
Wednesday, 03 July 2024 | 6 pm | Admission 5:30 pm
Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)
Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin | Room A300
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