Blockchain for Science – Con 2019
HIIG associated researcher PD Dr. Sönke Bartling is inviting to Blockchain for Science – Con 2019.
New deals on science funding, data and innovation
4 & 5 November 2019
Betahaus Neukölln | Harzer Straße 39 | 12059 Berlin
We bridge the Blockchain world with the research world through a series of talks, round tables and workshops.
Blockchain and the token economy can create unforeseen economies and allows realisation of novel value propositions. Reward structures for early adopters could make revolutionary approaches and ideas fly faster and higher than today, hopefully overcoming the first mover dilemma and potentially the innovators dilemma.
Blockchain as a mean to perform high value transactions is the perfect backend to revolutionise money flow in science, make it more effective, streamlined and reduce the organisational overhead. DAOs and continuous organisations are interesting means to organise the science commons.
Blockchain data market places will bring data owners and data users together. Novel economies and incentive structures emerge. Smart contracts and trusted computing environments allow rethinking trust and responsibility behind data access, control and privacy – is our culture and legal system able to cope with these challenges and potentials?
To participate please register through: www.blockchainforsciencecon.com
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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