Beyond Online Copyright Enforcement – Lunch talk with Sharon Bar-Ziv
O P E N B R O W N – B A G L U N C H
Lunch talk with Sharon Bar-Ziv: Beyond Online Copyright Enforcement
The Misuse of the Notice & Takedown Regime
Wednesday, 2 August 2017 · 1pm · HIIG Kitchen
Online identity can be managed through a wide-range of online tools and techniques used to
continuously monitor and analyze web and social media for myriad purposes. This presentation
demonstrates the extent to which online copyright enforcement mechanisms, operating by the
law, are being used for online reputation management purposes. In fact, the online
enforcement mechanisms can easily be manipulated, that even a single individual can have a
wide-ranging impact by using, or abusing, a powerful mechanism that operates automatically,
with no judicial oversight. This activity has significant implications for access to knowledge,
freedom of speech and achieving the mechanisms’ original goal – enforcing online copyrights.
This presentation demonstrates some of the risks involved in potential misuse of online
copyright enforcement mechanisms and underscores the vulnerability of this non-transparent
automated system to fraud and misuse.
Dr. Sharon Bar-Ziv is an Assistant Professor at Sapir Academic College, School of Law and a Senior Research Fellow at the Haifa Center for Law and Technology, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law.
The lunch talk is open to the public, please register via the form below.
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