Talk Series: Digitaler Salon
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. In our discussion series, we shed light on network phenomena, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of technical changes and provide food for thought.
The Digitaler Salon takes place on the last Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. on the premises of HIIG. At the same time, the event can be followed on the event page in the livestream and commented on Twitter under #digsal.
upcoming events
Past Events
Digitaler Salon: KI und Kokolores
Digitaler Salon: Desinformation im Faktencheck
Past discussions
Digitaler Salon: KI und Kokolores
The August edition of the Digital Salon is all about science communication and how it...
28. Aug 2024Digitaler Salon: Desinformation im Faktencheck
The July edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about disinformation and whether, how and...
31. Jul 2024Digitaler Salon: Wie bitte?
The June edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about easy language and how digital...
26. Jun 2024Digitaler Salon: Damage Control
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
29. May 2024Digitaler Salon: (De)voted
In the April issue, we talk about how essential media skills & democracy education can...
24. Apr 2024Digitaler Salon: Quanten statt Quaken
In our March issue, we discuss the complexity of weather forecasting and how AI &...
27. Mar 2024Digitaler Salon: Gekommen, um zu regeln
DSA - and now? We discuss the new rights and obligations for platforms and the...
28. Feb 2024Digitaler Salon: Fahrplan 4.0
In the January issue of the ‘Digitaler Salon’, we discuss how autonomous mobility could serve...
31. Jan 2024Digitaler Salon: Invisible Patient
How big is the 'gender data gap' in medicine really and how can we combat...
29. Nov 2023Digitaler Salon: Mentale Mietfläche
How is the value of our data created in the attention economy? And how can...
25. Oct 2023Digitaler Salon: Frozen Eye
Big Bad Brother? We look at facial recognition software for surveillance purposes and the balancing...
27. Sep 2023Digitaler Salon: Invisible Patient
How big is the 'gender data gap' in medicine really and how can we combat...
30. Aug 2023Digitaler Salon: Friede, Freude, Meinungsvielfalt?
The road to the EU's digital regulatory package was long, but is it really over...
26. Jul 2023Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten
We ask ourselves how data sharing between local actors can be successful for public good...
28. Jun 2023Digitaler Salon: Faktenfieber
We ask ourselves what are the consequences of hostility towards science and what is necessary...
31. May 2023Digitaler Salon: Nur mal kurz die Welt retten?
We ask ourselves what hurdles stand in the way of small start-ups as drivers of...
26. Apr 2023Digitaler Salon: Von Gig zu Gig
We ask ourselves how digitalisation transforms the gig economy and how platforms can become more...
29. Mar 2023Digitaler Salon: Chatbot potentia est!
We discuss what kind of impact Chat GPT will have on education in the future.
22. Feb 2023Digitaler Salon: Green Surveillance
We ask if and how digital solutions can contribute to the protection of exisiting forests...
25. Jan 2023Digitaler Salon: Blinded by the Hype?
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
30. Nov 2022Digitaler Salon: Wissen MACHT Klima
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
26. Oct 2022Digitaler Salon: Spirit in the Cloud
We discuss how religion is changing through the digital age.
28. Sep 2022Digitaler Salon: (Alb-) Traum 36°C und Dachgeschoss?
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
31. Aug 2022Digitaler Salon: Diese Karte ist nicht verfügbar
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
27. Jul 2022Digitaler Salon: Alles schon mal da gewesen…?
In May, we address whether legally regulated sharing of data is compatible with further control...
29. Jun 2022Digitaler Salon: Keeping up with the Gatekeepers
Is the legally regulated sharing of data compatible with further control mechanisms, such as data...
25. May 2022Digitaler Salon: Expertise in der Krise
We address the tension that digital tools open up for researchers through science communication: On...
27. Apr 2022Digitaler Salon: Unable to Reconnect
How does it affect the digital society if critical infrastructures are so decoupled by laws...
30. Mar 2022Digitaler Salon: Digital Society - Nerds Only?
Where do we stand when it comes to the digitalisation of the health system?
24. Nov 2021Digitaler Salon: Digital Hell's Care?
Where do we stand when it comes to the digitalisation of the health system?
27. Oct 2021Digitaler Salon: Machine Gun Learning
In September, we will talk about autonomous weapon systems. The talk will be held in...
30. Sep 2021Digitaler Salon: Cookies make you lose control
In August, we will talk about digital self-determination. The talk will be held in German.
25. Aug 2021Digitaler Salon: Plattformen im Konflikt
In July, we will talk about politics, society and social media platforms. The talk will...
28. Jul 2021Digitaler Salon: Lost in Regulation
In June, we will talk about regulations of internet platforms. The talk will be held...
30. Jun 2021Digitaler Salon: Click Chat Love
In May, we will talk about Online-Dating and how it changed during the lockdown. The...
26. May 2021Digitaler Salon: Vom Fließband zur KI
In April, we will talk about the implications of AI in the workplace. The talk...
28. Apr 2021Digitaler Salon: KI – Die Letzte räumt das Internet auf
In January, we will talk about education and digitalisation. The talk will be held in...
31. Mar 2021Digitaler Salon: Schulicon Valley
In February, we will talk about the future of school. The talk will be held...
24. Feb 2021Digitaler Salon: Das zoomende Klassenzimmer
In January, we will talk about education and digitalisation. The talk will be held in...
27. Jan 2021Digitaler Salon: Steckt eine "App" in happiness?
In November we will talk about Mental-E-Health. The talk will be held in German.
25. Nov 2020Digitaler Salon: Swipe for President
In October, we will talk about E-Voting. The talk will be held in German.
28. Oct 2020Digitaler Salon: Der Fall der Paywall
In September, we will talk about open access. The talk will be held in German.
30. Sep 2020Digitaler Salon: The troll next door
In August, we will talk about how our online discussions differ from personal conversations. The talk...
26. Aug 2020Digitaler Salon: Diskriminierung vorprogrammiert?
Das Internet nehmen viele als offenen und diversen Ort wahr. Doch schon eine kleine Google...
29. Jul 2020Digitaler Salon: Technik hautnah
In June, we will talk about fashion and technology. The talk will be held in...
24. Jun 2020Digitaler Salon: Data Kolumna
In May, we will talk about data and journalism. The talk will be held in...
27. May 2020Digitaler Salon: Digital ist man weniger allein?
In April, we will talk about the potential aftermath of social distancing. The talk will...
29. Apr 2020Livestream only: Digitaler Salon – Grün hinter dem Bildschirm
In March, we will talk about how digitasation influences our climate.
25. Mar 2020Digitaler Salon: Faster, harder, E-Scooter?
In February, we will talk about how our cities change as e-mobility services like carsharing,...
26. Feb 2020Digitaler Salon | Essen auf Rädern
In the January edition of the Digitaler Salon we will discuss how our consumer habits...
29. Jan 2020Digitaler Salon: The Hashtag is Alt-Right
Whether it’s members of the Identitarian movement, Pegida or right-wing factions: Right-wing populists and movements...
27. Nov 2019Digitaler Salon: Score me maybe?
Score me maybe? Bewertungssysteme entscheiden schon jetzt über Kreditvergabe. In China geht das sogenannte Social...
30. Oct 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Beep, beep, wir haben uns alle lieb
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
25. Sep 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Hashtag e.V.
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
29. Aug 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: In dubio pro Data
Online data is like fingerprints for investigators today. Chat messages and data in the cloud...
31. Jul 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Zurück in die Zukunft
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
26. Jun 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Ende der Kreidezeit
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
29. May 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: E-dentifiziert?
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
24. Apr 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon:
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
27. Mar 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Daddelbusiness
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalization on society at Digitaler Salon....
27. Feb 2019Talk | Digitaler Salon: Zahlen, die malen
Once a month, we will discuss the impact of digitalisation on society at Digital Salon....
30. Jan 2019Digitaler Salon: Alles nur gefakt?
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalization on society at Digitaler Salon....
28. Nov 2018Digitaler Salon: LANgelegt
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalization on society at Digitaler Salon....
31. Oct 2018Digitaler Salon Special: Gewissensbytes
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitalization on society at Digitaler Salon....
26. Sep 2018Digitaler Salon: Appschuften | Talk
Permanent vacation in a virtual working paradise? How do digital nomads work and when does...
29. Aug 2018Digitaler Salon: Rest in Pixels | Talk
Rest in pixels. Chatbots, holograms, digital clones: Dead and forever in cyberspace? How do we...
25. Jul 2018Digitaler Salon: Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht? | Talk
How do smart apps and journeys through the cyberspace change our perception of time? Do...
27. Jun 2018Digitaler Salon: Mistgabel 4.0 | Talk
Mistgabel 4.0 – agricultural drones, automated farms and smart breeding. How can digitisation make food...
30. May 2018Talk Series Digitaler Salon: Directed by Data
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
25. Apr 2018Digitaler Salon: Catch me if you scan | Talk
Preventing crimes before they were committed: Could algorithms and big data possibly lower the level...
28. Mar 2018Digitaler Salon: LOL war gestern | Talk
Cat falls off the sofa: Roflmao, epic fail! How does humour work on the web,...
28. Feb 2018Digitaler Salon: App's Anatomy | Talk
The doctors in the phone track our cycle or analyse the blood sugar level. Have...
31. Jan 2018Digitaler Salon: Hacking the Elfenbeinturm | Talk
Hacking the Elfenbeinturm – Behind paywalls and bookshelves: How can science have a greater impact...
29. Nov 2017Digitaler Salon: iCare for you | Talk
iCare for you – Plush robots, smart walking aids and digital conversation partners: Could machines...
25. Oct 2017Digitaler Salon: World White Web? | Talk
World White Web? The event in September is dealing with digital colonialism: Inside the once...
27. Sep 2017Digitaler Salon: Bei Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Algorithmus | Talk
Longer and better living through personalised pills and nano-robots. Which influence does AI have on...
30. Aug 2017Digitaler Salon Special: Lost in Neuland?
Lost in Neuland? The event in June is dealing with digital election issues: German politicians...
26. Jul 2017Digitaler Salon: Ein Herz für Cyborgs | Talk
A heart for cyborgs. Smart robotic hands, leg prosthesis systems and printed organs: Is smart...
28. Jun 2017Digitaler Salon: Internet killed the Videostar | Talk
Internet killed the Videostar! Which music emerges in the age of technological reproducibility? How are...
31. May 2017Digitaler Salon: Out of the Dark | Talk
Out of the Dark! Darknet, drug-trafficking location and whistleblower’s hideout: should we disenchant the sacred...
26. Apr 2017Digitaler Salon: Million Bitcoin Baby! | Talk
Million Bitcoin Baby! Blockchain instead of financial institutions and bitcoins instead of loose coins? Is...
29. Mar 2017Digitaler Salon: Make Fakten relevant again | Talk
Make facts relevant again. Have emotions replaced reason? How can enlightened citizens oppose populism? How...
22. Feb 2017Digitaler Salon: Akademie der Autodidakten | Talk
Academy of Autodidacts. Will online platforms and YouTube channels become tomorrow’s further training centres? To...
25. Jan 2017Digitaler Salon: Internet der Sinne | Talk
Internet der Sinne. Sehen. Hören. Schmecken. Mit der Sinnmaschine Internet in die virtuelle Realität der...
30. Nov 2016Digitaler Salon: Schutz der Pubertiere | Talk
Schutz der Pubertiere. Zwischen Zensur und ungebremster Neugier. Wie selbstbestimmt sind Jugendliche online unterwegs und...
26. Oct 2016Digitaler Salon: Game of Drones | Talk
Game of Drones. Sie töten. Sie überwachen. Sie retten Leben. Welche Chancen bieten Drohnen, welche...
28. Sep 2016Digitaler Salon: Haters gonna hate? | Talk
Haters gonna hate? Digitale Zivilcourage und Strategien gegen Hate Speech. Wo liegen die Grenzen der...
31. Aug 2016Digitaler Salon: Am warmen Polar | Talk
Am warmen Polar. Ich möchte kein Eisbär sein. Was war noch mal Klimawandel und wer...
27. Jul 2016Digitaler Salon: Forever Punk!
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
29. Jun 2016Digitaler Salon: Digital Abstinence | Talk
This month we tried to approach an 'endangered species': those who abstain from social media....
25. May 2016Digitaler Salon: Is this Utopia? | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
27. Apr 2016Digitaler Salon: It's a Match | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
30. Mar 2016Digitaler Salon: After Work 4.0 | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
24. Feb 2016Digitaler Salon: Dem Hölderlin sein Hashtag | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
27. Jan 2016Digitaler Salon: Fluchthelfer Smartphone | Talk
Navigator nach Europa, Sprachrohr in die Heimat. Wie hilft das Internet Menschen auf der Flucht? Digitale Konnektivität...
25. Nov 2015Digitaler Salon: Porno vernetzt | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
28. Oct 2015Digitaler Salon: Virtual Past | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
30. Sep 2015Digitaler Salon: Everyone is a scientist | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
26. Aug 2015Digitaler Salon: World Wide Weg. | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
29. Jul 2015Digitaler Salon: Level Up! | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
24. Jun 2015Digitaler Salon: Social media for the bad | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
27. May 2015Digitaler Salon: Mein Haus, dein Auto, unser Boot | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
29. Apr 2015Digitaler Salon: Disobedience revisited | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
25. Mar 2015Digitaler Salon: Lasset uns tweeten | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
25. Feb 2015Digitaler Salon: User-generated Art | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
28. Jan 2015Digitaler Salon 'Spezial': Paducation. Digitales Lernen für eine digitale Welt? | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
26. Nov 2014Digitaler Salon: Krisenberichterstattung in sozialen Netzwerken | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
29. Oct 2014Digitaler Salon 'Spezial': Von kommunikativen Kühlschränken und selbstfahrenden Autos. Ist das Internet der Dinge mehr als eine Vision? | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
24. Sep 2014Digitaler Salon: WiFi Hotspot Serengeti. Entwicklungshilfe mittels Internet? | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
27. Aug 2014Digitaler Salon: Dr. Bing & Dr. Google. Suchen wir uns krank? | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
30. Jul 2014Digitaler Salon 'Spezial': Online-Partizipation. Von Machern, Mitläufern und Motivierten.
Supported by the German Science Year "The Digital Society", we will have the opportunity to...
25. Jun 2014Digitaler Salon: Wearables. Fit und schlank dank Smartwatch | Talk
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we...
28. May 2014
Digitaler Salon: Invisible Patient
How big is the 'gender data gap' in medicine really and how can we combat...
29. Nov 2023Digitaler Salon: Mentale Mietfläche
How is the value of our data created in the attention economy? And how can...
25. Oct 2023Digitaler Salon: Invisible Patient
How big is the 'gender data gap' in medicine really and how can we combat...
30. Aug 2023Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten
We ask ourselves how data sharing between local actors can be successful for public good...
28. Jun 2023Digitaler Salon: Chatbot potentia est!
We discuss what kind of impact Chat GPT will have on education in the future.
22. Feb 2023Digitaler Salon: Blinded by the Hype?
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
30. Nov 2022Digitaler Salon: Spirit in the Cloud
We discuss how religion is changing through the digital age.
28. Sep 2022Digitaler Salon: (Alb-) Traum 36°C und Dachgeschoss?
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
31. Aug 2022Digitaler Salon: Diese Karte ist nicht verfügbar
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
27. Jul 2022Digitaler Salon: Alles schon mal da gewesen…?
In May, we address whether legally regulated sharing of data is compatible with further control...
29. Jun 2022Digitaler Salon: Digital Society - Nerds Only?
Where do we stand when it comes to the digitalisation of the health system?
24. Nov 2021Digitaler Salon: Digital Hell's Care?
Where do we stand when it comes to the digitalisation of the health system?
27. Oct 2021Digitaler Salon: Cookies make you lose control
In August, we will talk about digital self-determination. The talk will be held in German.
25. Aug 2021Digitaler Salon: Plattformen im Konflikt
In July, we will talk about politics, society and social media platforms. The talk will...
28. Jul 2021Digitaler Salon: Digital ist man weniger allein?
In April, we will talk about the potential aftermath of social distancing. The talk will...
29. Apr 2020Digitaler Salon: Digital Abstinence | Talk
This month we tried to approach an 'endangered species': those who abstain from social media....
25. May 2016
Digitaler Salon: Gekommen, um zu regeln
DSA - and now? We discuss the new rights and obligations for platforms and the...
28. Feb 2024Digitaler Salon: Frozen Eye
Big Bad Brother? We look at facial recognition software for surveillance purposes and the balancing...
27. Sep 2023Digitaler Salon: Friede, Freude, Meinungsvielfalt?
The road to the EU's digital regulatory package was long, but is it really over...
26. Jul 2023Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten
We ask ourselves how data sharing between local actors can be successful for public good...
28. Jun 2023Digitaler Salon: Blinded by the Hype?
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
30. Nov 2022Digitaler Salon: Diese Karte ist nicht verfügbar
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
27. Jul 2022Digitaler Salon: Keeping up with the Gatekeepers
Is the legally regulated sharing of data compatible with further control mechanisms, such as data...
25. May 2022Digitaler Salon: Unable to Reconnect
How does it affect the digital society if critical infrastructures are so decoupled by laws...
30. Mar 2022Digitaler Salon: Machine Gun Learning
In September, we will talk about autonomous weapon systems. The talk will be held in...
30. Sep 2021Digitaler Salon: Cookies make you lose control
In August, we will talk about digital self-determination. The talk will be held in German.
25. Aug 2021Digitaler Salon: Plattformen im Konflikt
In July, we will talk about politics, society and social media platforms. The talk will...
28. Jul 2021Digitaler Salon: Lost in Regulation
In June, we will talk about regulations of internet platforms. The talk will be held...
30. Jun 2021Talk | Digitaler Salon: In dubio pro Data
Online data is like fingerprints for investigators today. Chat messages and data in the cloud...
31. Jul 2019
Digitaler Salon: KI und Kokolores
The August edition of the Digital Salon is all about science communication and how it...
28. Aug 2024Digitaler Salon: Desinformation im Faktencheck
The July edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about disinformation and whether, how and...
31. Jul 2024Digitaler Salon: Wie bitte?
The June edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about easy language and how digital...
26. Jun 2024Digitaler Salon: Damage Control
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
29. May 2024Digitaler Salon: (De)voted
In the April issue, we talk about how essential media skills & democracy education can...
24. Apr 2024Digitaler Salon: Quanten statt Quaken
In our March issue, we discuss the complexity of weather forecasting and how AI &...
27. Mar 2024Digitaler Salon: Gekommen, um zu regeln
DSA - and now? We discuss the new rights and obligations for platforms and the...
28. Feb 2024Digitaler Salon: Fahrplan 4.0
In the January issue of the ‘Digitaler Salon’, we discuss how autonomous mobility could serve...
31. Jan 2024Digitaler Salon: Chatbot potentia est!
We discuss what kind of impact Chat GPT will have on education in the future.
22. Feb 2023Digitaler Salon: Green Surveillance
We ask if and how digital solutions can contribute to the protection of exisiting forests...
25. Jan 2023Digitaler Salon: Blinded by the Hype?
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
30. Nov 2022Digitaler Salon: Machine Gun Learning
In September, we will talk about autonomous weapon systems. The talk will be held in...
30. Sep 2021Digitaler Salon: KI – Die Letzte räumt das Internet auf
In January, we will talk about education and digitalisation. The talk will be held in...
31. Mar 2021
Digitaler Salon: Von Gig zu Gig
We ask ourselves how digitalisation transforms the gig economy and how platforms can become more...
29. Mar 2023Digitaler Salon: Vom Fließband zur KI
In April, we will talk about the implications of AI in the workplace. The talk...
28. Apr 2021
Digitaler Salon: Faktenfieber
We ask ourselves what are the consequences of hostility towards science and what is necessary...
31. May 2023Digitaler Salon: Chatbot potentia est!
We discuss what kind of impact Chat GPT will have on education in the future.
22. Feb 2023Digitaler Salon: Wissen MACHT Klima
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
26. Oct 2022Digitaler Salon: Expertise in der Krise
We address the tension that digital tools open up for researchers through science communication: On...
27. Apr 2022Digitaler Salon: Digital Society - Nerds Only?
Where do we stand when it comes to the digitalisation of the health system?
24. Nov 2021Digitaler Salon: Der Fall der Paywall
In September, we will talk about open access. The talk will be held in German.
30. Sep 2020
Digitaler Salon: KI und Kokolores
The August edition of the Digital Salon is all about science communication and how it...
28. Aug 2024Digitaler Salon: Desinformation im Faktencheck
The July edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about disinformation and whether, how and...
31. Jul 2024Digitaler Salon: Wie bitte?
The June edition of the Digitaler Salon is all about easy language and how digital...
26. Jun 2024Digitaler Salon: Damage Control
Once a month, we publicly discuss the impact of digitisation on society at Digitaler Salon....
29. May 2024Digitaler Salon: (De)voted
In the April issue, we talk about how essential media skills & democracy education can...
24. Apr 2024Digitaler Salon: Quanten statt Quaken
In our March issue, we discuss the complexity of weather forecasting and how AI &...
27. Mar 2024Digitaler Salon: Gekommen, um zu regeln
DSA - and now? We discuss the new rights and obligations for platforms and the...
28. Feb 2024Digitaler Salon: Fahrplan 4.0
In the January issue of the ‘Digitaler Salon’, we discuss how autonomous mobility could serve...
31. Jan 2024Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten
We ask ourselves how data sharing between local actors can be successful for public good...
28. Jun 2023Digitaler Salon: Nur mal kurz die Welt retten?
We ask ourselves what hurdles stand in the way of small start-ups as drivers of...
26. Apr 2023Digitaler Salon: Green Surveillance
We ask if and how digital solutions can contribute to the protection of exisiting forests...
25. Jan 2023Digitaler Salon: Wissen MACHT Klima
As part of Open Access Week 2022, we ask how equitable global access to knowledge...
26. Oct 2022Digitaler Salon: (Alb-) Traum 36°C und Dachgeschoss?
Whose world views dominate and what power structures become visible in the digital maps of...
31. Aug 2022Livestream only: Digitaler Salon – Grün hinter dem Bildschirm
In March, we will talk about how digitasation influences our climate.
25. Mar 2020Digitaler Salon: Mistgabel 4.0 | Talk
Mistgabel 4.0 – agricultural drones, automated farms and smart breeding. How can digitisation make food...
30. May 2018
Sarah Spitz
You want to join our next Digitaler Salon? Register here for the newsletter.
Recordings of the Digitaler Salon
Something for your ears on the road? Selected episodes can also be listened to as podcasts.