Cornelius Puschmann, Dr.
Since October 2016 Cornelius Puschmann is Senior Researcher and Coordinator of the Postdoc-Project “Algorithmed Public Spheres” at Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research at the University in Hamburg.
Cornelius Puschmann was a project leader at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society as part of the research group “Networks of Outrage”, funded by the VolkswagenStiftung under its data journalism funding scheme. In addition to coordinating the APS postdoc group, Cornelius was also chair of the annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, AoIR 2016, which took place from October 5-8 in Berlin, and which was jointly hosted by the HIIG and the Hans Bredow Institute.
Cornelius completed his PhD at the University of Düsseldorf in 2009 with a thesis on the corporate blog as an emerging genre of computer-mediated communication. Following this, he was a member of the interdisciplinary junior researchers group „Science and the Internet” at the University of Düsseldorf (2010-2012). Cornelius completeted a four-year personal grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the project „Networking, visibility, information: a study of digital genres of scholarly communication and the motives of their users” at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science (BSLIS). From January to Juli 2013, Cornelius was a visiting fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford, and from September 2013 to August 2014 he was visiting assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam’s Department of Media Studies. From 2015 to 2016 he also served as visiting professor of digital communication at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. In fall 2015-2016 he is a Faculaty Associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. He is a co-editor of volume Twitter and Society (Peter Lang, 2014) and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Broacasting and Electronic Media.
Cornelius’ research interests include interpersonal communication in digital platforms (particularly hate speech), the role of algorithms for selection media content, as well as methodological, ethical, and espistemological aspects of computational social science.
His publications are available at
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Kaiser, J. & Puschmann, C. (2017). Alliance of antagonism: Counterpublics and polarization in online climate change communication. Communication and the Public, 1-17. Publication details
Puschmann, C., Bastos, M., & Schmidt, J-H. (2016). Birds of a feather petition together? Characterizing e-petitioning through the lens of platform data. Information, Communication & Society. Publication details
Puschmann, C., Ausserhofer, J., Maan, N., & Hametner, M. (2016). Information laundering and counter-publics: The news sources of Islamophobic groups on Twitter. The Workshops of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media Proceedings, AAAI Technical Report WS-16-19, 143-150. Publication details
Scheliga, K., Friesike, S., Puschmann, C., & Fecher, B. (2016). Setting up crowd science projects. Public Understanding of Science, 1-20. Publication details
Fecher, B. & Puschmann, C. (2015). Über die Grenzen der Offenheit in der Wissenschaft – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit bei der Bereitstellung und Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(2-3), 146–150. Publication details
Puschmann, C. & Bastos, M. (2015). How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? An Analysis of Two Scholarly Blogging Platforms. PLOS ONE, 10(2). Publication details
Puschmann, C. (2015). The form and function of quoting in digital media. Discourse, Context & Media, 7, 28-36. Publication details
Puschmann, C. & Burgess, J. (2014). Metaphors of big data. International Journal of Communication, 8, 1690–1709. Publication details
Puschmann C., Bozdag E. (2014). Staking out the unclear ethical terrain of online social experiments. Internet Policy Review - Journal on internet regulation, 3(4). Publication details
Puschmann C., Mahrt M. (2014). Science blogging: An exploratory study of motives, styles, and audience reactions. Journal of Science Communication, 13(3). Publication details
Bastos, M., Puschmann, C., & Travitzki, R. (2013). Tweeting Across Hashtags: Overlapping Users and the Importance of Language, Topics, and Politics. Proceedings of 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 1–3 May 2013, Paris. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Puschmann C. & Ausserhofer, J. (2017). Social Data APIs: Origin, Types, Issues. In Schäfer, M.T. & van Es, K., The Datafied Society (pp. forthcoming). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Publication details
Puschmann, C. & Hagelmoser, R. (2015). Corporate blogging and corporate social media. In Georgakopoulou, A. & Spilioti, T. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication (pp. 226-238). London: Routledge. Publication details
Gaffney, D. & Puschmann, C. (2013). Data collection on Twitter. In Weller, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Mahrt, M., & Puschmann, C. (Eds.), Twitter and Society (pp. 55-67). New York, NY: Peter Lang. Publication details
Puschmann, C. & Burgess, J. (2013). The politics of Twitter data. In Weller, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Mahrt, M., & Puschmann, C. (Eds.), Twitter and Society (pp. 43-54). New York, NY: Peter Lang. Publication details
Puschmann, C. (2013). (Micro)blogging science? Notes on potentials and constraints of new forms of scholarly communication. In Friesike, S. & Bartling, S. (Eds.), Opening Science (pp. 89-106). New York, NY: Springer. Publication details
Working paper
Puschmann, C. & Scheffler, T. (2016). Topic Modeling for Media and Communication Research: A Short Primer. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2016(05). Publication details
Other publications
Maan, N., Schmid, F., Hametner, M., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Das Gegenteil von Lügenpresse. Publication details
Maan, N., Schmid, F., Hametner, M., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Was Pegida für die Wahrheit hält. Der Standard, 3-4. Publication details
Maan, N. Schmid, F., Hametner M., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). “Zur Info”: Das Facebook-Universum des HC Strache. Publication details
Maan, N. Schmid, F., Hametner M., Fellner, S., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). „Zur Info”: Straches Facebook-Welt. Der Standard, 4-5. Publication details
Schmid, F., Maan, N., Hametner, M., Šlerka, J., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Was Hofers und Van der Bellens Anhänger auf Facebook sehen. Publication details
Gartner, G., Maan, N., Schmid, F., Hametner, M., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Präsidentschaftskandidaten: Was von den Facebook-Seiten verschwindet. Publication details
Gartner, G., Maan, N., Schmid, F., Hametner, M., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Welche Postings im Wahlkampf verschwinden. Der Standard, 19. Publication details
Schmid, F., Maan, N., Hametner, M., Šlerka, J., Ausserhofer, J., & Puschmann, C. (2016). Grünes Netz, blaues Netz: Zwei Welten auf Facebook. Der Standard, 4. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Politics of Discourse: Fake News Controversy in Germany and how it solidifies in new institutional arrangementsAoIR 2017 Networked Publics (Session: Misinformation, Propaganda and "Fake News": A European Perspective). Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia: 19.10.2017
Kirsten Gollatz, Jonas Kaiser, Cornelius Puschmann
Empörungsöffentlichkeiten im Netz: Zur Beziehung von Themen, Akteuren und Quellen auf der Pegida-FacebookpageJahrestagung der DGPuK Fachgruppe Digitale Kommunikation 2016. TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany: 04.11.2016
Cornelius Puschmann, Julian Ausserhofer
Empörungsnetzwerke, Open Science und Open Data: Wie Wissenschaft, Hochschul-PR und Datenjournalismus zusammenarbeiten könnenJahrestagung des Bundesverbands Hochschulkommunikation (Session: Datenjournalismus in der Hochschulkommunikation). Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany: 15.09.2016
Julian Ausserhofer, Cornelius Puschmann, Noura Maan, Markus Hametner
What are the topics of populist anti-immigrant movements on Facebook?Social Media & Society Conference. Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK: 13.07.2016
Cornelius Puschmann, Julian Ausserhofer, Noura Maan, Markus Hametner
Information laundering and counter-publics: The news sources of islamophobic groups on TwitterSocial Media in the Newsroom workshop at the 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM16) (Session: Social Media in the Newsroom). Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Leibniz, Germany: 17.05.2016
Cornelius Puschmann, Julian Ausserhofer, Noura Maan, Markus Hametner
Rage Against the Elites? Polarisation and Counter-publics in Online Discourse on Immigration and Climate ChangeFourth Conference on Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning and Semantics. Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden: 28.04.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
Haters gonna hate?Digitaler Salon. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany: 31.08.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
Wider die Herrschaft der Algorithmen! Wie bekommen wir die Kontrolle zurück?re:publica 2016. Station, Berlin, Germany: 02.05.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
Moderation of workshops and panels
Communicating Nature, Sustainability, and Environmental Issues Using Online Media ChannelsConference of the International Communication Association (ICA). International Communication Association (ICA). Fukuoka Hilton, Fukuoka, Japan: 11.06.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
Communication Research Methods 2016: Practices and ChallengesConference of the International Communication Association (ICA). International Communication Association (ICA). Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel, Fukuoka, Japan: 09.06.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
"Algorithms, Automation and Politics"Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). International Communication Association (ICA). Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel, Fukuoka, Japan: 08.06.2016
Cornelius Puschmann
Organisation of events
AoIR 2016 – Annual Conference of the Association of Internet ResearchersFrom 05.10.2016 to 08.10.2016. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Association of Internet Research; Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research (International)
Christian Katzenbach, Cornelius Puschmann, Larissa Wunderlich
Editorial Board of journal: Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.Cornelius Puschmann
Media appearances
Lösch Dich (26.04.2018). zdf Funk
Further information
Wenn der Hass postet (13.10.2016). Süddeutsche Zeitung
Warum das Netz voller Hass ist - und was dagegen hilft (13.10.2016).
Further information
Wissenschaftler im Interview „Das Internet ist kein Wilder Westen mehr“ (07.10.2016). Berliner Zeitung
Further information
Das Gegenteil von Lügenpresse (10.07.2016). Der Standard
Further information
Landkarten der Gesellschaft. Populistische Bewegungen wie Pegida kommunizieren über soziale Netzwerke. Forscher untersuchen und visualisieren, wer mit wem redet. (01.06.2016). Berliner Zeitung
Alle Macht den Algorithmen? (25.06.2016). new-d
Further information
Twitter bots play murky role in US presidential election campaign (22.06.2016). Deutsche Welle
Further information
Wissenschaftsnacht: Wie Pegida und andere Rechtspopulisten kommunizieren (31.05.2016). Berliner Zeitung
Further information
Facebook: Huch, da sitzen ja Menschen! (10.05.2016). Zeit Online
Further information

Associated Researcher: The evolving digital society