Christian Kobsda
Christian Kobsda works as a political consultant in the president’s office of the Leibniz Association. Before joining Leibniz, he dealt with Industry 4.0 and Smart Services at acatech and was scientific advisor to the Innovation Dialogue of the German Federal Chancellor.
He studied political science, philosophy and some economics at the universities of Passau, Rostock and at Freie University Berlin. In 2010 he received the Kurt-von-Fritz Science Award and in 2011 the Alumni Award for Political Science in Rostock.
He is keen on scientific policy advice and digital, social and frugal innovations.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Fecher, B. & Kobsda, C. (2019). Meet the Research Impact Canvas. Elephant in the Lab. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3368480 Publication details
Working paper
Schmidt, M., Fecher, B., & Kobsda, C. (2017). Factory science: How many authors does it really need to write a paper? Elephant in the lab. Publication details
Other publications
Schmidt, M., Fecher, B., Kobsda, C. & Koch, E. (2020). Open Access in Near Time. Elephant in the Lab, 01.04.2020. Publication details
Fecher, B. & Kobsda, C. (2019). In 5 Schritten zur gut geplanten Kommunikationsaktivität. Publication details
Kobsda, C., Schmidt, M., & Fecher, B. (2017). Authorship revised. Making a compromise between 2.1 and 1.268. Elephant in the lab. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Re-imagining higher education: Shifting gears and shifting visionsUNIVERSITY:FUTURE FESTIVAL - LEARNING, SYSTEMS AND THE NEW NORMAL. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Online, Berlin, Germany: 08.10.2020 Further information
Anne Leiser, Melissa Laufer, Bronwen Deacon, Christian Kobsda
Media appearances
Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung – Vermittler zwischen zwei Systemen (19.09.2018).
Further information
Wie Forscher die Zahl ihrer Publikationen künstlich nach oben treiben (10.07.2017). Berliner Zeitung
Further information
Eine Elefantenherde im Labor (21.07.2017). TAZ
Further information
Der Elefant im Labor (21.07.2017).
Further information
Spitzenmediziner schaffen ein Paper pro Woche !? (21.07.2017). Laborjournal Blog
Further information

Associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society