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The photo shows an arrow sign on a brick wall, symbolising the DSA in terms of navigating platform power.

Navigating platform power: from European elections to the regulatory future

Looking back at the European elections in June 2024, this blog post takes stock of the Digital Services Act’s effect in terms of navigating platform power.

The image shows a football field from above. The players are only visible because of their shadows, symbolizing Humans in the Loop.

AI Under Supervision: Do We Need ‘Humans in the Loop’ in Automation Processes?

Automated decisions have advantages but are not always flawless. Some suggest a Human in the Loop as a solution. But does it guarantee better outcomes?

The image shows blue dices that are connected to eachother, symbolising B2B platforms.

The plurality of digital B2B platforms

This blog post dives into the diversity of digital business-to-business platforms, categorising them by governance styles and strategic aims.

Further blog articles

The picture shows a hand with a pink glove and a cleaning spray, symbolising that this blog post wants to get rid of popular Science Myths.

Debunking Science Myths: Preconceptions about science put to the test

What is really true about preconceptions about science? Four popular myths about a constantly quarrelling group of professionals explained simply.

The photo shows a group of young people all looking on their mobile phones, showing that someone with No Smartphone is excluded and perceived as weird.

No Smartphone = Cringe Weirdo

In this blog post, author Jascha Bareis shares his experiences since getting his first smartphone just this year. 

This picture shows the blue and yellow flag of the European Union representing the upcoming European elections.

European elections and digital policy: German party positions

To what extent are German parties addressing digital policy in the European elections? A glance at the election programmes reveals different priorities.

The picture shows multiple hands holding each other, symbolising the integration of gender and inclusivity into digital cultural policies.

Integrating gender and inclusivity in digital cultural policies: insights from Berlin and Barcelona

Could Berlin and Barcelona’s integrative approach to digitalisation serve as a blueprint for a new European cultural policy in the digital age?

The picture shows colourful puzzle pieces, symbolising that AI for environmental protection is one part of many to protect our planet.

One small part of many – AI for environmental protection

What role does AI play in applications for environmental protection? This blog post takes a look at six German projects that use AI for this purpose.

The photo shows a hand holding a digital map on a smartphone, symbolising GIS technology and Geodata.

Navigating the Urban Maze: GIS technology and the blurring boundaries between digital and physical infrastructure

The progression of GIS technology and Geodata questions if digital maps should be regarded as physical public infrastructure.

Toolkit "Making Sense of the Future" lays on the table, representing digital futures in the classroom.

Making Sense of the Future: New brainteasers for digital futures in the classroom

Explore “Making Sense of the Future”, an open educational resource combining futures studies and creative exploration to reimagine our digital futures.

Generic visualizations generated by the author using Stable Diffusion AI representing futuristic visions for futures studies

Honey, we need to talk about the future

Can futures studies challenge the status quo beyond academia and approach public dialogue as an imaginative space for collective endeavours?

two Quechuas, sitting on green grass and looking at their smartphones, symbolising What are the indigenous perspectives of digitalisation? Quechuas in Peru show openness, challenges, and requirements to grow their digital economies

Exploring digitalisation: Indigenous perspectives from Puno, Peru

What are the indigenous perspectives of digitalisation? Quechuas in Peru show openness, challenges, and requirements to grow their digital economies.

eine mehrfarbige Baumlandschaft von oben, die eine bunte digitale Publikationslandschaft symbolisiert

Diamond OA: For a colourful digital publishing landscape

The blog post raises awareness of new financial pitfalls in the Open Access transformation and proposes a collaborative funding structure for Diamond OA in Germany.

a pile of crumpled up newspapers symbolising the spread of disinformation online

Disinformation: Are we really overestimating ourselves?

How aware are we of the effects and the reach of disinformation online and does the public discourse provide a balanced picture?

What skills does one need for the race with the machines on the labour market

Skills to ‘race with the machines’: The value of complementarity

As workers are constantly urged to reskill, how can they determine which skills to invest in? Learnings from one of the world’s largest online freelancing platforms.

a curved white line on green football grass, coming from the bottom right corner and ending in the top right corner, symbolising how platform councils could help regulating online communication

More Power to the People: How Platform Councils Can Make Online Communication More Democratic

Companies dominate digital spaces, impacting public debate. Could Platform Councils make online communication more democratic?

Russian online platforms compete with Amazon, Facebook & co.

How Russian online platforms compete with global giants

The Russian versions of Amazon, Facebook and co. are just as successful as their US competitiveness. How did they emerge and develop?

Fassade of a skyscraper with offices. Some of them have blue and purple colored lights on, some are dark, representing the data institute

How does the data institute become public-interest orientated?

The first German data institute is intended to coordinate the data ecosystem, network across sector boundaries, and enable innovations. (How) Can this be carried out in the public interest?

black dots in a crowded pattern on a beige background symbolising people analytics in the workspace

People Analytics: Hype, Fear and Real Opportunities

A lot of data is collected about employees. Current studies show: People analytics has risks, but also real potential for human resources.

EU AI Act – Who fills the act with life?

EU AI Act: Tomorrow’s AI will be decided by authorities and companies in a complicated structure of competences.

Two hands are holding a paper ribbon, that shows the outline of people holding hands

Participation with Impact: Insights into the processes of Common Voice

What makes the Common Voice project special and what can others learn from it? An inspiring example that shows what effective participation can look like.