Anna Jobin, Dr.
Anna Jobin joined the HIIG in 2021 for the international research project Shaping 21st Century AI – Conflicts and Development Pathways in Media, Politics and Research. As a Senior Researcher, she analyzes “Artificial Intelligence” as a sociotechnical institution in politics, media and science and participates in the consortium lead of the project. Prior to HIIG, Anna was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich and a visiting researcher at Tufts University and Cornell University.
Anna has a multidisciplinary background in sociology, information management, and economics. Her doctoral research focused on the social dimensions of algorithmic systems. She was awarded a PhD by the University of Lausanne and has since conducted research on the social and ethical aspects of digitization, particularly in the areas of AI, citizen science, and online advertising.
She is president of the extra-parliamentary Federal Media Commission and part of the Swiss Young Academy. In addition, she is a member of the ethics working group of the Association of Internet Researchers, where she contributed to the Ethics Guidelines 3.0 for Internet Research, a board member of the Swiss Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society (STS), and a committee member of the Swiss Internet Governance Forum.
- Society & culture
Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies and Closure in Media, Policy, and Research
The project investigates the discourse and developments around AI’s “deep learning revolution” over the ten formative years.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Liebig, L., Güttel, L., Jobin, A., & Katzenbach, C. (2022). Subnational AI policy: shaping AI in a multi-level governance system. AI & Society. DOI: Publication details
Jobin, A., Man, K., Damasio, A., Kaissis, G., Braren, R., Stoyanovich, J., Van Bavel, J. J., West, T. V., Mittelstadt, B., Eshraghian, J., Costa-jussà, M. R., Tzachor, A., Jamjoom, A. A. B., Taddeo, M., Sinibaldi, E., Hu, Y., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2021). AI reflections in 2020. Nature Machine Intelligence, 3, 2-8. DOI: 10.1038/s42256-020-00281-z Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Jobin, A. & Katzenbach, C. (2023). The Becoming of AI: A Critical Perspective on the Contingent Formation of AI. In Lindgren, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 43-55). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. DOI: 978 1 80392 855 5 Publication details
Scheibner, J., Jobin, A., & Vayena, E. (2022). Internet of Things Devices, Citizen Science Research and the Right to Science: Ethical and Legal Issues. In M. Ienca, O. Pollicino, L. Liguori, E. Stefanini, & R. Andorno, The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights (pp. 231-243). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1017/9781108775038 Publication details
Working paper
Jobin, A., Guettel, L., Liebig, L., & Katzenbach, C. (2021). AI Federalism: shaping AI policy within states in Germany. arXiv. Publication details
Other publications
Fecher, B., Gümüsay, A. A., Bohn, S. & A. Jobin (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details
Fecher, B., Gümüşay, A. A., Bohn, S., & Jobin, A. (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details
Liebig, L., & Jobin, A. (2022). Artificial Intelligence made in X: die deutsche KI-Policy-Landschaft. Digital society blog. Publication details
Jobin, A. (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz braucht menschliche Ethik. SWICO House View, 60-63. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
The sociotechnicity of AIDifussion #101. Center for Digital Society, Goethe-Institut Indonesia. Center for Digital Society, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: 09.10.2023
Anna Jobin
The global landscape of AI ethics guidelinesDigital Discourses: Humanity in the Age of AI. Goethe-Institut Indonesien, Center for Digital Society, EngageMedia. Goethe-Institut Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia: 06.10.2023 Further information
Anna Jobin
Ethics and Epistemology for Artificial Intelligence and Machine BehaviorFrontiers Symposium: 12. Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Maceió Atlantico, Maceió, Brazil: 02.07.2022 Further information
Anna Jobin
Principles in Ethics Guidelines & Policy PerspectivesSummer School: "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics & Human Rights". Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitäät Erlangen-Nürnberg, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain: 22.06.2022 Further information
Anna Jobin
Communicating AI Policy: How Technology Comes to Matter in MediaAnnual ICA Conference: 72nd Annual ICA Conference: One World, One Network‽ (Session: Communicating AI: Shaping Artificial Intelligence in Policy, Research and Media). International Communication Association. Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile, Le Palais des Congrès de Paris, Le Méridien Etoile, Paris, France: 30.05.2022 Further information
Anna Jobin, Laura Liebig, Christian Katzenbach
Shaping AI – Imaginaries and Controversies of AI in Media and PolicyArtificial Intelligence and the Human Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction (Session: Imagining AI & the Human). Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Japanese-German Center Berlin. Japanese-German Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 12.05.2022 Further information
Christian Katzenbach, Vanessa Richter, Anna Jobin, Laura Liebig
AI Ethics and SustainabilityAnnual Symposium: Digital Ethics for a Sustainable Society. Center for Digital Ethics & Policy. Online, Chicago, United States of America: 30.03.2022 Further information
Anna Jobin
Challenges in governing AI - evidence from soft lawInvited Talk. AI Lund, ADM Nordic. Online, Lund, Sweden: 15.12.2021 Further information
Anna Jobin
Targeted: Digital Communication and AdvertisingPanel: Communication and Ad-Financed Media. University of Leipzig. University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany: 12.11.2021
Anna Jobin
AI federalism: shaping AI policy within statesDigital Democracy Workshop (Session: Governance, Regulation, and Public Policy). Democracy Community of the Digital Society Initiative, Digital Democracy Lab at the University of Zurich. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 28.10.2021 Further information
Licinia Gütel, Anna Jobin
Was ist KI? Eine Übersicht zu Technologie, Hype und EthikParlamentarierdinner. Swiss Federal Parliament. Swiss Federal Parliament, Bern, Switzerland: 01.06.2021
Anna Jobin
What AI ethics can do (and what it cannot do)ASU Machine Learning Day. Arizona State University. Online, Tempe (AZ), USA: 09.04.2021 Further information
Anna Jobin
Gesellschaftliche Aspekte technologischer InnovationAPARIUZ Tagung. University of Zurich: Faculty of Law. Online, Zurich, Switzerland: 19.03.2021 Further information
Anna Jobin
Citizen science in a connected world: Ethical issues with using Internet of Things devicesCitSci Helvetia. Citizen Science Center Zurich, Participatory Science Academy, Citizen Cyberlab, & Foundation Science et Cité. Online, Zurich, Switzerland: 15.01.2021 Further information
Anna Jobin
Organisation of events
CEPE/IACAP 2021 – The philosophy and ethics of Artificial IntelligenceFrom 05.07.2021 to 09.07.2021. Online, Hamburg, Germany. Co-Organised by: Universität Hamburg (International) Further information
Anna Jobin
STS-CH 2021From 15.02.2021 to 17.02.2021. Online, Lausanne, Switzerland. Co-Organised by: Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society (International) Further information
Anna Jobin
Media appearances
17. Ulmer Denkanstöße: Eine neutrale und allwissende KI gibt es nicht (22.03.2024). Südwest Presse
Further information
Künstliche Intelligenz (31.07.2023). ZDF WISO Magazin
Further information
Was wenn künstliche Intelligenz ausser Kontrolle gerät? (10.06.2023). Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Further information
Fachleute warnen vor Risiken bei der KI (02.06.2023). ZDF
Further information
Moratorium über Umgang mit KI: Pause mit Problemen (31.03.2023). taz
Further information
Offener Brief zu KI: Opfer des Hypes (31.03.2023).
Further information
KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI): Was es statt eines KI-Moratoriums braucht (31.03.2023). Tagesspiegel Background
Further information
Facebook est-il devenu un réseau hors de contrôle? Débat entre Anna Jobin et Joëlle Toledano (26.10.2021). RTS Forum
Further information
AI is mostly governed by ‘soft law’. But that is set to change (17.09.2021). Tech Monitor
Further information
Et si les GAFA étaient sur le point de perdre leur pouvoir? Analyse d'Anna Jobin (25.06.2021). RTS
Further information
Anna Jobin folgt auf Otfried Jarren und wird Präsidentin der Eidgenössischen Medienkommission (15.06.2021). Kleinreport
Further information
What happens when Google fires its ethics expert? (25.03.2021). Swiss Info
Further information
"Toutes ces Romandes qui brillent" (04.03.2021). L'Illustré
Further information
YouTube supprime une vidéo de l'émission de la RTS Géopolitis (11.03.2021). Radio Television Suisse
Further information
Südwest Presse
Eine neutrale und allwissende KI gibt es nicht
ZDF WISO Magazin
Elektroauto-Batterie und ihr Risiko, Leergeräumtes Konto nach PIN-Diebstahl
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Was wenn künstliche Intelligenz ausser Kontrolle gerät?
Fachleute warnen vor Risiken bei der KI
Moratorium über Umgang mit KI: Pause mit Problemen
Tagesspiegel Background
Was es statt eines KI-Moratoriums braucht

Associated Researcher: The Evolving Digital Society
Topics: AI, Ethics Guidelines for AI, Political Regulation of AI